[AT] Knees

charlie hill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon Nov 15 20:16:00 PST 2010

Larry and Herb,

My mother had her second knee done last year on New Years Eve at age 91. 
She came through it like a champ.  She took the residential rehab option for 
her second one as well and was happy with the choice.  Herb if you are 
thinking of doing it, do it NOW.  Without meaning to be political, things 
are changing in the world of medicine and you might not always be able to 
get these procedures without the approval of some bureaucrat who is more 
interested in cutting cost than in your health and well being.


From: "Larry Goss" <rlgoss at insightbb.com>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 9:24 PM
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: [AT] Knees

> Herb -- I hear you missed this weekend's show.
> Get yourself to a hospital and get new knees.  NOW!  Since I last saw you, 
> I have had both knees replaced == November 2008, and February 2010.  I am 
> pain-free for the first time in many years.  You know you're in trouble 
> when you have to take the maximum number of pain killers every day, and 
> the steroid shots give you no relief at all.  I was at that point.  I 
> broke down and cried for joy three days after my second replacement when I 
> was able to stand on my new knee with no pain at all.  Get it done, and if 
> you have the option of taking your initial rehab in a long-term-care rehab 
> center, DO IT!  I've been through it both ways  (on my own, and in a 
> residential rehab)  The residential rehab is much better.  If you don't do 
> it, you won't even be able to climb up on those Allis-G's you have.
> Larry
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