[AT] real tractor stuff <g>

Dave Merchant kosh at ncweb.com
Sun Nov 14 01:35:24 PST 2010

There are different levels of NAPA stores.

The ones that deal with trucks also have fat tractor parts catalogs,
you can usually get stuff next morning delivery.

Prices are sane.

Dave Merchant

At 10:18 PM 11/13/2010, you wrote:
>Downright warm this afternoon while drilling wheat. Got the bill today where
>I had picked up points, condenser, and a distributor cap from Deere for my
>combine, those 3 items were over $60. Next time it needs a tune-up I'll
>check elsewhere for parts! I don't know wha but anything I want electrical
>from Deere is way overpriced.
>John Hall
>AT mailing list

Dave Merchant
kosh at nesys.com
dmerchant at layerzero.com

YouTube: SteamCrane

"I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps
to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)
and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
         - Prof. Phil Jones
         - Director, Climatic Research Unit
         - School of Environmental Sciences
         - University of East Anglia
         - Norwich, UK
         - To: Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, Malcolm Hughes

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