[AT] Iron and lots of it, now nylon rope

Len Rugen rugenl at yahoo.com
Tue May 11 04:39:13 PDT 2010

We somehow acquired a bundle of nylon strapping, 3 loops, total 6 
layers, about 120' long of 2" web.  I think it was used by the Air Force 
to throw things out of cargo planes.  I took it apart, none of my 
tractors can break a single strap unless it gets cut.  I tie loops on 
the ends with "water knots", so no metal hooks.  It's great for towing, 
no jerks.  It's also great for solo tree cutting.  Hook the strap high 
in the tree, drive the tow vehicle out until the stretch stops it.  
There is enough pull in the strap to pull the tree over when it's cut.  
A chain will go slack when the tree moves a few feet, then it can fall 
in nearly a 180 degree arc, with the strap, they go within a much 
narrower arc.
> And I'd have been one of them Herb. Its hard to believe just how much
> stretch there is in a big plastic rope. No need to ease into the load, just
> drive away with the tractor and the rope will stretch until the stuck
> implement comes out or the tractor runs out of traction. Or worst case
> scenario, something else breaks. You never want to use a chain in
> combination with a stretchy tow rope.
> Ralph in Sask.

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