[AT] OT; Seed Oats
Ralph Goff
alfg at sasktel.net
Thu Jan 14 22:29:30 PST 2010
----- Original Message -----
From: <toma at risingnet.net>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT; Seed Oats
> Out here in CA we plant CA Red Oats for hay. It can grow real tall in
> good ground but the best "horse hay" is when it is 30" or less as it
> can tend to get coarse.
> It was only $28 cwt this year. There is always a lot of seed on the
> ground after cutting hay. I think next year I am going to overseed
> with vetch and disc it dry and hope for a volunteer crop. I am tired
> of searching for seed and buying it for a high price.
> A couple of years ago an old timer told me of an oat he used to plant.
> It was called Texas Black Oats. He said they would plant it here and
> it would turn out like the red oats. It may have been the forerunner
> of CA Red.
Volounteer oats worked out good for me this past summer. After straight
cutting the oats on 08 I guesss there were enough oats shelled out on the
ground that it produced a good stand of volounteer oats. I left about ten
acres of it standing, cut it green in Sept. and baled it. Made some pretty
good hay and the cattle seem to clean it up. Zero cost for seed, fertilizer
or chemical.
"Black oats" sound to me like what we call wild oats here. They are a weed
and millions of dollars are spent every year trying to eliminate them from
the cash crops. People used to try and cut them before heading so they would
not produce seed. Then bale them for hay but it was not the greatest hay
Ralph in Sask.
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