[AT] Some ads from the 1/30 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jan 30 15:36:21 PST 2010
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox
Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper for
1/30/2010. [my comments, if any, are in brackets] For whatever reason,
there were almost double the number of ads from previous weeks.
For Sale:
Used Portable Restrooms for sale. Great for your Cabin or Shop area.
$100. negotiable. Lehigh Co. PA 877-770-1840
Toro Workmaster 3-wheel Truckster, runs great, $575obo. Meyers Plows,
sub-frames, pumps & parts for F250-550. Flymo Hovercraft mower; one runs
other parts-$150. Antique chainsaws. Bucks Co. PA 215-766-5979
Tractor 73 International 3500A with front end loader, not running, many
newer parts $1,000. Northumberland Co. NJ 570-975-9098
T-D-6 parts, 1939 V8 Ford wheels and back hub with brake drum, 32 Cat
parts, No Sunday Calls Adams Co. PA 717-528-4162
Silver King #42, Restored seven years ago. Good Condition. $5,000.
Cumberland Co. PA 717-776-7321
Sickle bar mower, fits A V tractor $400 obo; 12 welders C clamps $3
each; Jay Bee humdinger hammermill on rubber PTO Cyclone bagger. Cumb.
Co. NJ 856-305-1037
Rear hitch for Super C left to right plow, painted & in good shape,
powered by Touch Control, rear hitch only $250. OBO. Leave message.
Schuylkill Co. PA 570-875-7954
Pony motor off Cat D8H complete runs, cat D6 pony short block for parts,
8 engine driven snowblower was mounted on JD payloader, g. cond. Yates
Co. NY 315-531-1997
Parting out 5 JD-2010 (RU,RC,&IND) tractors, wide front, pto,
fenders,eng parts,etc. Make offers on what you need. St. Marys Co. MD
Parting out a John Deere A tractor, also parting out other John Deere
tractors, call with needs. Salem Co. NJ 856-494-4754 or 856-358-2444
Oliver 1961 770 tractor P.S. front end loader, 3 pt. hitch, newly
painted, good antique tractor for shows or farming, good condition, must
see $4,500. York Co. PA 717-919-3095
Oliver OC-6 gas, 3pt hitch, 68 housing, exc. cond, asking $6,500. Allis
Chalmers cult. for WD45 exc. cond., asking $350. Orange Co. NY 845-258-4422
Oliver 80 R C Original $2,200. Oliver 80 Tip-Toe wheels $225. Oliver 70
Tip-Toe wheels plus front wheels $300. Cumberland Co. PA 717-776-3098,
MF35 Deluxe, P.S., 3 pt. 2-stage clutch, gas $2,500. A.C. 7 3 pt.
Cultivator $200. Side Delivery Rake/ Tedder with steel wheels $100. Call
after 5:30 p.m. Northumberland Co. PA 570-758-2472
Massey Harris 44 nice condition, runs good, new exhaust manifold, and
muffler $1,650 obo. Bucks Co. PA 267-885-5287
JD 70 Gas P.S. Good Tin Runs Good $4,750. JD 10 Transport Disc RWA
Redone Like New $1,800. JD #8 Sickle Bar Mower. $350 OBO. York Co. Co.
PA 717-433-3088
JD 730 diesel power steering, 3 pt. hitch, 540 pto, 1 remote, runs good,
great blower tractor $3,500; 3,18 ft. I beams 15in. high lime drill
10ft. $300. Somerset Co. PA 814-634-0148 ext. 2
LX565 New Holland skidloader; Farmall 340 tractor, gas; Kubota B7800
compact tractor, deisel w/loader, steel wheels; Stow Econo-Roller, one
ton roller; WheelHorse,211-5 lawn tractor Lebanon Co. Co. PA 717-821-7126
John Deere B tractors 1944 and 1946, need restored, both loose with
extra parts. Snyder Co. PA 570-765-2242
John Deere 50 Track Loader & backhoe, wood stove, meat slicer, 5 rotary
mower, 3 ph grater blade, Beagles (3) good hunting dogs, everything good
condition. St. Marys Co. MD 301-994-1366
John Deere 2010 1964? Front loader, manure bucket, weights, could be
used as is or a good restorable piece $3,500. Adams Co. PA 717-578-1194
JD60 Tractor complete tin, good rubber, needs paint, starter drive.
$2800. JD factory front snow blade for 60 etc. complete. $850 Local
Hauling available. Bedford Co. PA 814- 977-1446
JD-B, runs good. $1700 Somerset Co. 814-233-0597 somerset Co. PA 814 233
JD-MC crawler, good running condition $3,500. Williams propane heater
35000 BTU $110, vented, also have 14 chimney and base. Lancaster Co. PA
717-687-5122 ext 2
JD 820D PS, WF, 3pt, remotes $4,200/obo. Farmall SA w/cult $1,800. AC IB
tractor $4,000. Bucks Co. PA 215-598-7546
JD 5105 2WD 736 hrs. exc. $8,500., Case IH 255 4WD with loader 950 hrs.
very nice $6,000. Ferguson one bottom plow $350. Ferguson T020 nice
$2,200. Lancaster Co. PA 717-278-8077
JD 1945 model B good condition $2,800/obo. JD 1957 720 diesel NF runs
strong, 3 pt. hitch available $6,500/obo. Lancaster Co. PA 717-665-0629
JD 3010 gas tractor parts, crank $200, block $450, head $150, 3010,
4020, 2020 transmission parts, 2030 wheel weights $85, Roll-o-matic
front end $350. Mercer Co. PA 724-932-5183
JD 350 Crawler Loader, working order good tracks $2,500. Logging forks
and home made ROPS for JD 350 Farmall Cub with plow cultivators paint
$2,500. Lancaster Co. Co. PA 717-336-4542
JD 4230, quad, 4 post, runs, needs some TLC, $5,750. Cat 3208 engine 5
sp. automatic, non turbo, hear run, $650. Hardy stove, leaks some, $450.
Juniata Co. PA 717-463-3938
JD 4320 1972 3400 original hours collectors quality new tires and paint
front and rear weights, call for more details. Onieda Co. NY 315-941-1251
JD 1010 RV5, excellent sheet metal. JD 1010 $3,200. V Industrial fresh
paint, t rebuilt trans with Industrial loader, both tractors run good.
Centre Co. PA 570-263-6058
J.D. 45 loader for 2 cyl. tractor with snow bucket $400, J.D. 37 loader
with snow bucket $850 18.4x28 tires and rims not matching $300. Berks
Co. PA 610-562-7239
Int HiClear A-V w/cult vaccum lift, runs good, belt pully, need steering
work $1,800. S-AV parts tractor w/good steering $450. Other S.A.V.s
Cumberland Co. NJ 856-455-2368
Int. 666 Diesel 5915 hrs. with 2250 loader Int. Soybean Special 5300
w/grass NH 575 w/thrower Farmall 300 w/Fast hitch, Hoover 16 & 18 hay
wagons, shed kept. Berks Co. PA 610-756-0075
IH Balanced Head Sickle Bar 7 mower with tail wheel, good condition
$850. Juniata Co. PA 717-463-3526
IH T340 crawler loader with 4 in 1 bucket and/or forks, good
undercarriage and track, good condition! $7,000/obo. Centre Co. PA
IH 350 Utility Tractor 1958 fast hitch can adapt to 3 pt 40 HP newly
rebuilt live pto, runs good $2,400. Perry Co. PA 717-444-7263
Front end loader, hydraulic dump, 5 bucket off 504 IHC excellent
condition. Asking $800. Perry Co. PA 717-789-3747
Ford back hoe, not running, wheat design in grille, will be sold to best
offer. Nice for restoration Lebanon Co. PA 717-272-5390
Ford Backhoe for sale industrial diesel $5,500. Lanc. Co. PA 717-629-8165
Ford Tractor 2000, good rubber, new paint, runs good $4,200 OBO. Farmall
H, good paint, runs good $1,800 OBO. Berkeley Co. Co. WV 304-671-8554
FORD tractor diesel 1600 23HP 1488 hours 2wd NEW PAINT 3point-cat1 power
angel snowplow live-hyd.9F-3R dif-lock cab wheel-weights f&r $3750.00
fanklin pa 410-340-6452 FRANKLIN Co. PA 410-340-6452
Ford 9N tractor quick attach loader, wheel weights, high/low, 3pt, PTO,
runs good. Also Brush Hog best offer. Montour Co. PA 570-437-1909
between 5:30-8:30PM please.
Ford 655C backhoe,very clean,barn kept,extendahoe,4700hrs,used on
farm,everything works well:guages,lights,horn. Good paint,no dents or
dings. $12,500. Burlington Co. NJ 609 605 8940
Ford 3000 gas with loader, 8 spd, low hours, runs good, needs work
$2,500. Baltimore Co. MD 410-592-5080
Ford 3500 Industrial Backhoe Loader no boom many good parts. Ferguson
TO20 for parts, no Tin/Tires. Call Evenings. Wanted JD tripback plow
parts. Northampton Co. PA 610-759-1307
Backhoe on wheeled cart with steering, self contained hydraulic, new
pump, hoses, tires recently. Pump from Beiler hydraulic for 540 pto
$3,500. Delivery? Juniata Co. PA 717-821-1550
Farmall H good condition $1,500. very strong running machine, no 3
point, 6 volt original paint, fair tire, ready for work. I have too many
tractors. Lancaster Co. PA 717-449-8612
Farmall H snowplow frame, good condition $150. 1998 Dodge Durango for
parts, 130K roof and hood smashed from fallen tree $1,300. Monroe Co. PA
Farmall large points, fast hitch to 3pt adapter, Farmall Super A $1,800.
Parting out JD 55 combine. Farmall 340 high crop. Super A parts. Warren
Co. PA 908-797-3283
Ferguson 30 rebuilt eng. front end loader, two buckets, snow plow,
chains $6,000. Invested, will sell for $4,000 or trade for antique
car/truck. Lehigh Co. PA 610-967-2602
Farmall F12 Rear Steel Power Lift $900, JD 140 Lawn Tractor, Runs, Needs
work $250, JD 3 PT 290 Corn Planter $225. Bucks Co. Co. PA 215-431-6459
Farmall Cub with ALL attachments. Massey Ferguson #8. Runs and looks
good. Big Valley Self catching head gate. New, never installed. Color is
green. Frederick Co. MD 301-471-0551
Farmall Cub Snow Plow and Heavy Duty 8.3-24 tire chains, Farmall Cub
sickle bar mower, also Fast Hitch Plow and disk etc. Cub Parts. Dauphin
Co. PA 717-649-2493
Farmall Cub Lo-Boy w/snow plow, Belly mower, lights $2,200. Farmall BN
in good shape $2,200. Fast Hitch for Cub Lo-Boy $400. Large Dog House
$95. Dauphin Co. PA 717-533-7345
Farmall C - 1950 newer paint decals $1,900. Hopper fed coal stove $600.
Harman Mark I coal stove used 1/2 day, like new $1,150. Montgomery Co.
PA 215-257-5691 before 8PM.
Farmall 460 engine can hear run $450. Farmall H $800. JD 1209 haybine
$500. Brillion 11 cultipacker 4 axle $800. Berks Co. PA 610-562-2676
Farmall 140 with six pieces equipment $4,000. Farmall Super C with
cultivator $1,800. Six foot disc $600. Bridgewater VA area. Rockingham
Co. VA 540-820-3520
Farmall 140 cult tachometer, good rubber, runs good $5,500. Bradco 611
backhoe 18 & 24 buckets, brackets for S250/S300 Bobcat or 180/190 New
Holland low hrs. $6,500. Lackawanna Co. PA 570-563-1801
Farmall F20 with mounted snow blade good tires, live hyd., lights,
engine looks to be rebuilt but needs timed $1600. columbia Co. PA
D4 7U Cat with Winch, also have one for parts. Make Offer. Mifflin Co.
PA 717-250-2316
Complete 2 gage railroad steam locomotive, gas locomotive, cars, 1 mile
double track w/ties, $88,000 obo; Located HOnesdale, Call anytime. Mont.
Co. PA 610-940-2668 [Something for under the xmas tree next year...]
Case 580 CK Loader Tractor 188Case Diesel, power shuttle,1 Yd. Bucket,
Sims Cab w. heat & wiper, draft-O-matic and factory rear weight. $5500.
Onondaga Co. NY 315-530-5823
Allis Chalmers WD45 with factory power steering good condition $2,500
OBO. Bradford Co. PA 570-423-4463
Allis Chalmers D14,power steering,narrow front,does not jump out of
gear, $800. Ezgo golf cart $800. JD-R new in box by Ertyl $50. Lebanon
Co. PA 717-865-6860
Allis Chalmers B. Tractor, Hand Crank $650. OBO. Singer Sewing machine
commerical, Buffer Cabinet Motor Buffer Pads offer, 2005 Ford H.W.D.
F250 Snow Plow. Chester Co. Co. PA 610-948-3042
AC 5040 tractor, 1300 hrs, price to sell with 3 bot plow, excellent
cond. 5 bot. White plow, 8 tooth chisel plow. lehigh Co. PA 610-393-6225
520JD, IH-H, IH-S-C, IH-M, IH Cub w/mower, Ford 9N, Ford 871, N. Idea
3pt-7ft. snowblower, Loaders for tractors, Long 550P, JD 401C backhoe,
Case 320 dozer w/winch, Bolens 1050, JD 60-70 L-G tractor, Speedex 1630.
Clinton Co. PA 570-726-6641 or 570-295-0477
55 Oliver tractor; Farmec elevator; Platform scales; PTO Katolight
generator; 200 gal. Fiberglass tank; Oil furnace; 1 Bottom plow.
Lancaster Co. PA 717-468-8987
350 JD crawler loader good paint, new tracks, H3 AC crawler loader, also
7yo. bay Saddlebred mare, nice, with spunk, boys type, leave message.
Somerset Co. PA 814-662-4417
230 Farmall, complete tin, fast hitch. starts, operates good. owned 16
years. original manual included. $2800.00 Fast Hitch 7ft pitman Sickle
Bar Mower. $350.00 Bedford Co. PA 814-977-1446
1953 Farmall Cub, many new parts, snow blade, tire chains, and sickle
bar mower for Farmall A. 1954 Int. R160 dump truck. Berks Co. PA
1952 Ford 8N Completely Restored with 160 hours, excellent condition
$2,500. All different sizes of Ford Pie Weights, complete sets $350 to
$450. New Castle Co. DE 302-378-1554
1951 JD A, Restored, ready for show $7,000. 1939 JD B Restored, ready
for show $5,000. OBO. Must sell. Both tractors in excellent condition.
York Co. PA 717-324-2353
1940 Farmall A tractor, runs good, good engine, good tires and White 508
4 bottom plow, auto reset, 2 cylinder, good condition. Cumberland Co. PA
1940C Farmall tractor completely rebuilt with cultivator and sickle bar
$5,000 or Best Offer. Kent Co. DE 302-228-1703
1946 Farmall BN, Pneumatic lift-all, (1) Bottom Plow power take-off,
belt pulley, over-run protector $2,500. New brakes, good paint. For
info. call Bob. Chester Co. PA 610-906-9748
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