[AT] Spam> Re: Spam> bearing cross-reference
Mattias Kessén
davidbrown950 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 15:08:33 PST 2010
OK i know, I only wrote that since I have watched a show at the telly
once and it made such an impression on me ;-) But thanks for your
effort and my humor can get a little far fetched at times, especially
in writing.
I just turned of the telly when an old Seinfeld episode with Jon
Voight ended, I believe deliverance or something else was the title of
that canoe movie where he met Bubba and his father and older brother
and they were only two ;-)
2010/1/7 charliehill <charliehill at embarqmail.com>:
> Mattias, Bubba is your brother or any good ole boy that is like a brother
> to you and he might well be a contestant in the Red Neck Games or your
> hunting or fishing partner.
> Charlie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mattias Kessén" <davidbrown950 at gmail.com>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 5:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Re: Spam> bearing cross-reference
> And there are dueling banjos in the background and while the crushes one can
> against the forehead with one hand the other hand grabs the next can out of
> the sixpack...
> Here we have "bruksorter", Around here there are small villages with 2-5000
> people in them that has been through their up's and downs since 16th-17th
> century when the main plant opened, most of them mostly down since the
> sixties, though Överum mow owned by Kongskilde have had a few good years
> until a few months ago. These are special society's with special people like
> Överum(cast iron, plows etc. actually tractor related), Ankarsrum (Stoves,
> electrical motors for household machinery and cast iron), Gunnebo (I bet
> some of you know of it but you wouldn't believe how ancient parts of the
> plant is) and Gusum (Brass, zip lockers). To even be considered as a non
> stranger your family would have had to live there for more than three
> generations and none married an outsider further relative than a cousin ;-)
> There are actually a joke here were three women is laying at the same room
> at the hospital resting after delivering each a baby to this earth. One is
> from Gamleby (the small village I live outside), one is from Överum and the
> third woman is coloured. As said said they are laying there resting when a
> nurse with two helpers rolls in the three babies, the nurse has a
> rather awkward embarrassed look on here face when looks around the room and
> says: "There has been some mistake but I'm sure you all can help us and tell
> what baby is yours."
> The woman from Överum jumps out of bed and grabs the little coloured baby
> and declares, "This one is mine"
> "Nah..." says the nurse "Are you sure? that one can't really be yours can
> it?"
> "I don't f*****g know, but he sure as h**l isn't from Överum!"
> Jeff Foxworthy is the host of are you smarter than a 5th grader or a ten
> year old or something like that one or maybe both are my translation of the
> swedish title back to English and his also a comedian I believe. Bubba is a
> contestant of the redneck games, right.
> Oh you guys have really messed me up my writing is now somewhere in
> between english and american english and I'm getting used two have spaces
> between connected words.
> Mattias
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