[AT] Can you hear me now? Rust

charliehill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Fri Feb 5 16:53:52 PST 2010

Charlie,  about 6 years or so ago the rear end on my 89 GMC went out.  I 
bought a newer complete rear end from a salvage yard and swapped it out. 
Now road salt is not a major issue here although they are starting to use 
liquid potassium chloride anytime they think there might be ice, but still 
it's not a problem like you have up north.  However, when I pulled the rear 
end out of that truck, out of the 8 nuts on the U-bolts holding the axle in, 
5 of them broke the bolt.  The bolts were rusted down to smaller than a #2 
pencil.  The problem was the way the bracket is made.  It sits up under the 
axle like a cup turned up and any dirt and salt it encounters sits in the 
cup right around the U bolt threads.   I know that must be a bad problem up 
your way.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "CEE VILL" <cvee60 at hotmail.com>
To: "new atislist" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Can you hear me now? Rust

> Wait a while longer, Cecil.  You are only seeing the beginning.  On the 
> other hand, the truck in the pictures had a lifetime mileage of 76,000. 
> Maybe that was too much?? It was sold new with Rusty Jones rust proofing. 
> Under body and frame were sprayed numerous times with oil and grease mix. 
> Exhaust manifolds replaced three times due to rust out.  Oil pan once. 
> Gas tank once.  This is the only vehicle I ever owned that would spray 
> it's own windshield as it was driven on a wet road, even without the plow 
> mounted.  Great aerodynamics. It also constantly sprayed its own underside 
> with road salt.
> http://images53.fotki.com/v432/filexhfX/5f057/9/1608999/8287354/newlook.jpg
> http://images53.fotki.com/v443/fileX5N7/5f057/9/1608999/8287354/raked.jpg
> http://images17.fotki.com/v522/fileDMhW/5f057/9/1608999/8287354/chevvyrust.jpg
>> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 16:37:43 -0600
>> From: crbearden at copper.net
>> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Can you hear me now?
>> I think most everyone remembers the 74 GMC fire truck that I drove from
>> Mt Holley NJ to OKlahoma City.  When we left all the sires lights etc
>> worked.  The truck only had 5000 miles on it when we left.  When we
>> arrived, the head and tailights and turn signals worked, but the rest of
>> the stuff that I wanted to show off with in the next parade would no
>> work.  The relay bank was coroded and rusted because of the salt we
>> encountered on the PennTurnpike during that snowstorm..  A rural fire
>> dept asked me a few years ago to buy all the lights and I should have
>> sold it..  In fact I should have sold them the entire truck.  Where I
>> set my boot heel while driving is a 1/2 inch tall corroded area from the
>> salt on my boots.  The frame is covered in fine powdered rust that will
>> burn just like salt when it gets in your eyes working under it...
>> If I could just get somehting done around here, I might get it going
>> again...
>> I can only imagine what happens to electronics when they get exposed to
>> the salt in the NOrtheast..
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