[AT] Spam> Hello

jahaze at aol.com jahaze at aol.com
Wed Feb 10 08:16:49 PST 2010

I think some of it may have been my fault, I put a new 8'6" plow on my F-250 this year and have only been able to use it about four times, usually I'm using the loader to move the snow piles back by now.  Hopefully it will come in handy next year.

Enjoy, Joe

-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Dotson <gdotsly at watchtv.net>
To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 9:51 am
Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Hello

    You are right Joe. The snow has been hanging around western Ohio for the 
ast 10 days along with winds and drifting. Had 11 inches with 48 MPH gusts 
ast Friday. Got the drive cleaned out with the skid steer on Sunday and now 
ore 7 more inches snow yesterday and today with drifting winds again today. 
armed up to near freezing yesterday and back to 11 this morning. The snow 
hat melted on the roads yesterday is ice this morning.  I shoveled a path 
hrough the sidewalk and out to the shop and it was drifting back in before 
 got back to the house. Decided I don't have to go anywhere, so will wait 
ill the wind dies to try to clear the drive. Have drifts 5 to 6 feet deep 
ll around the buildings.
    Going to the shop in a little while to get the Reddy heaters working. 
oth of them are not working.
    So, yes Mattias, I am spending my time digging out from the snow. Hard 
o tell the total accomulation with all the drifting, but likely close to 24 
nches total this last week.
    i don't believe the list was down, just nobody having anything to say. 
he new forums have been working fine.

----- Original Message ----- 
rom: <jahaze at aol.com>
o: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
ent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 9:01 AM
ubject: Re: [AT] Spam> Hello

 Still here,  just waiting for the white stuff to melt.  Actually, it has 
 been one of the easiest winters we have had here in central Michigan for a 
 long time.  I think all the snow stayed south of us this year.

 Enhoy, Joe

 -----Original Message-----
 From: Mattias Kessén <davidbrown950 at gmail.com>
 To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
 Sent: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 8:10 am
 Subject: [AT] Spam> Hello

 Is this list down or are everybody busy shoveling snow? Last message
 ere Mike's ad's.
 t least no real snow (more than two inches a day) for almost a week here 
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