[AT] gasoline

Al Jones farmallsupera at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 29 20:39:58 PST 2010

I think that a lot of people get confused about the type of corn used in ethanol production.  The whole "food or fuel arguement."  It's not sweet corn, its corn for grain.  Now, yes it is used in livestock feed so from that standpoint we do eat it indirectly.  I doubt you'd notice the difference in price at the grocery store since ethanol production has increased.  I do think you'll see a difference in food prices with $5 fuel. (Plus, the big livestock vertical integrators have been sponging off grain farmers (ie cheap corn and soybeans) for years. It's time they pay their due.)

I don't think ethanol is perfect, but first I don't think there's anything wrong with farmers making a little money off grain for a change, and second, it's a piece of the solution.  Not "THE" solution, but a step towards it.

I'm getting real political real fast so I am done posting on this thread--so don't bother posting your disagreement with me because you're wrong.... ;)  Bottom line is, high gas prices suck and we're all in a mess if it goes up much past $3.


-----Original Message-----
>From: D8RMAN at aol.com
>Sent: Dec 29, 2010 10:59 PM
>To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>Subject: Re: [AT] gasoline
>Using corn to make ethanol also raises our food costs. Remember supply and  
>demand from business 101. Willard Smith, Yakima, WA
>In a message dated 12/29/2010 7:51:08 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
>rotigel at me.com writes:
>Kinda  makes you wonder why we don't drill for our own oil instead of 
>putting the  hard working US farmers on a tax subsidized welfare program called 
>"ethanol"  which simply lowers everyone's mpg's!
>On Dec 28,  2010, at 5:29 PM, Richard Fink Sr wrote:
>> Hi all how about some gas  costs state side. Here it just hit $3.19 was 
>> sunday. All grades  now have at least 10% ethnol in it.
>> R Fink  
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