[AT] Lancaster Farming ads
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Tue Aug 31 06:45:47 PDT 2010
I always wanted to go to the Beilers auction. I had talked about meeting
Cecil Monson there some year but it never worked out.
Some things just can't be put off. Another life lesson learned.
Charlie Hill
From: "Charlie V" <1cdevill at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:39 AM
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: Re: [AT] Lancaster Farming ads
> No way could I top Herb's post if I wanted to, which I don't. Having said
> that, I will just say "THANKS MIKE".
> Charlie V. in WNY
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 7:58 AM, Herbert Metz
> <metz-h.b at mindspring.com>wrote:
>> ATIS group,
>> I can just hear the groans resulting from Mikes email. I am sure that
>> most
>> of us are hoping that Lancaster Farming changes their ads to Mikes
>> suggestion (or close enough to Mikes suggestion) so Mike can continue
>> enlightening us on antique farm equipment availabilities in that
>> important
>> area.
>> Golly, years ago, couple years before Beilers closed down his two day
>> auction business, I bought an Allis G (sight unseen, because it included
>> a
>> FEL). Talked to the owner a couple times before sending him a down
>> payment. He was to remove the endloader, store at his home within half
>> hour
>> of Beilers, and deliver the Allis G to Beilers. I arrived day before the
>> sale, we went to the sale, the G sold for close to what I was hoping, I
>> stuck around for the rest of the day, then picked up the endloader, paid
>> the balance, and went home. Still have the endloader.
>> Thank You Mike; otherwise I would not have even known about this
>> endloader.
>> I returned the nest year and had an enjoyable visit with Cecil Monson; he
>> went home with a full trailer.
>> I imagine many others could share similar stories.
>> Occasionally (unusual AC things) I will share some of Mikes listings with
>> the large allischalmers.com group; do not know whether anyone has
>> successfully pursued any of those ads. I am quite sure they have; at
>> least
>> they have had opportunity to do so.
>> Herb
>> > [Original Message]
>> > From: Mike Sloane <mikesloane at verizon.net>
>> > To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> > <at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> >
>> > Date: 8/30/2010 5:57:06 PM
>> > Subject: [AT] Lancaster Farming ads
>> >
>> > You might have noticed that I haven't sent any Lancaster Farming
>> > "Mailbox Markets" ads for the last couple of weeks. It isn't because I
>> > am lazy or sick; the newspaper "updated" their website and somehow lost
>> > my login and password. I finally got that straightened out and got in,
>> > only to discover that the "new" format is very readable but has only 5
>> > ads per page. So for 500 listings (which is average) I would have to go
>> > through 100 pages, cutting and pasting the ads one by one. Well folks,
>> > that ain't gonna happen.
>> >
>> > I sent them a friendly note suggesting that maybe they could offer
>> > people the choice of 5 ads per page or the old listing (which was about
>> > 25 ads/page in a linear format.
>> >
>> > So, unless they change things, there won't be any more of my weekly
>> > listings. (I guess there will be some people will be happy to hear that
>> > news. :-) )
>> >
>> > Mike
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