[AT] Reactions to pictures posted from Portland
Gene Dotson
gdotsly at watchtv.net
Mon Aug 30 11:55:58 PDT 2010
Oops, I goofed. I meant to say the campground is to the LEFT of the
fairgrounds. Left side of map.
. The campground is on the right of the fairground
> and clearly shows the roads there.
> Gene
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Waugh" <pwaugh at embarqmail.com>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 1:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] Reactions to pictures posted from Portland
>>I was looking for some actual data, and maybe Gene Dotson will chime in.
>> They announce through out the show how many tractors, featured tractors
>> and
>> engines and so on, are on display. I don't think 3,000 - 3500 engines is
>> a
>> stretch. Tractor 1500-2000. My guess the featured tractor this year,
>> Massy
>> Harris, had close to 70 tractors in their display. The wooded area might
>> only be 90 yards long, but surely is wide enough for a football field.
>> The
>> fairgrounds is county owned and is approximately 160 acres. The
>> campground
>> owned by the club is close to 320 acres and that is where the 15,000
>> people
>> come in and stay. Then there is a daily flux of another 8-10,000 people
>> at
>> the gate. The open field is along side of the fairgrounds and is owned
>> by
>> the club. I think it is 160 acres, over 1/4 mile long and not real wide.
>> Vendors, it took me 2 days to cover "most' of then with a golf cart.
>> 45-50
>> rows, 40 yards long. This is not including the area of glassware and
>> women's
>> 'stuff' They can look for days. Now go into town, right outside the
>> fairground on one end, blocks and blocks of vendors set up, yard sales. I
>> did not even know this existed until this year.
>> All in all it is HUGE. It will not miss 3/4 mi square by much,
>> campgrounds
>> and show. Many unique displays in the campground alone.
> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=embed&saddr=&daddr=40.439747,-84.9683
> 29&geocode=&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=19&sll=40.440205,-84.967763&sspn=
> 0.001517,0.003484&ie=UTF8&ll=40.440205,-84.967763&spn=0.001517,0.003484&t=h
>> see if this link, gives you an idea.
>> Paul-46555
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Grant Brians" <sales at heirloom-organic.com>
>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 12:18 PM
>> Subject: [AT] Reactions to pictures posted from Portland
>>>I looked at the pictures Paul posted with great interest and also the
>>> written words about the show. I had several reactions and also questions
>>> in
>>> response.
>>> Living here in California where we are separated from the midwest
>>> and
>>> eastern members of the list by 1,000 to 3,000 miles and have different
>>> climates I first noticed all of those "STRANGE" so-called narrow front
>>> tractors! The first time I saw one of those locally had to have been
>>> about
>>> ten years ago because they were barely purchased here ever.
>>> Second, even at the Tulare show (California Antique Farm Equipment
>>> Show) they are an almost rare exception in the show in the sea of wide
>>> fronts, tricycles (by far the most common antique cultivator tractor
>>> configuration here because of irrigated crops) and lots and lots of
>>> tracked
>>> tractors - mostly but by no means exclusively Caterpillars. Another
>>> thing
>>> that surprised me was the relatively large number of Cockshutt pictures.
>>> They were not sold in California new at all and few have travelled here.
>>> Third, was a comment in Paul's message below that caught me eye and
>>> seemed odd. He says that Portland had almost a football field of
>>> displays
>>> in
>>> the tree area and larger in the open area. What size is the show? Tulare
>>> fully fills slightly over 2/3 of the 100 acres of display space at the
>>> showgrounds. There are typically close to 1000 tractors at the show.
>>> Then
>>> there are the antique trucks, vendors, auction - usually about 500 lots
>>> on
>>> Saturday with two rings going for most of the auction. How many
>>> attendees
>>> are usually there? I saw the 2007 figure of 15,000 attendees and have
>>> heard
>>> that the attendance this year and last had plateaued at slightly off the
>>> 2008 figure
>>> Last, I will admit that the grass and trees were very nice to have
>>> on
>>> the grounds of the show - something that will not happen at our typical
>>> shows here due to our weather patterns. I hope all had a fun time at the
>>> show and look forward to inviting any list members to our California
>>> activities and I do welcome list members to the farm. I won't even
>>> require
>>> them to go to work for me! LOL.
>>> Grant Brians
>>> Hollister, California vegetable farmer
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
>>> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com]On Behalf Of Paul Waugh
>>> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 9:13 PM
>>> To: Tractor
>>> Subject: [AT] Portland
>>> I came back early. Weather was great, cool and no rain!! One of the
>>> largest
>>> crowds I have seen in a while, for displays and spectator. We were under
>>> the
>>> shade trees, where it was real nice. Part of the open field went to
>>> Caterpillars, their first year to have a designated area.
>>> Under the trees, was a sea of people and tractors, close to a football
>>> field
>>> in size, the the open field had that many more.
>>> There was a good group around the fire, and I would not be able to name
>>> them
>>> all, but at least 9-10 with a few spouses.
>>> http://www.atis.net/forums/album.php?albumid=32
>>> Paul-46555
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