[AT] 3pt mower top link

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 28 09:24:26 PDT 2010

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Steve W. <swilliams268 at frontier.com> wrote:
> Dick Day wrote:
>> Larry, thank you. You just confirmed what I thought.  The rigid top link
>> works ok if the land is pretty level but, as you say, for un-even ground,
>> it's a pain.
>> I wonder why the manufacturer's don't offer the mowers with a chain option.
>> I may start converting mine this weekend.
>> Dick
> Liability. With the rigid links the mower acts sort of like a wheely bar
> if the operator decides to act stupid. It also prevents the mower from
> tipping up enough to expose the blades.
> Personally I like the chain because it makes the mower follow the
> terrain better. Also makes it easier when your backing up as the mower
> will ride up instead of trying to dig in.
> --
> Steve W.

I like having a flex link in the top link. I wouldn't use a chain
alone. Picture your tractor and mower from the side both with only a
chain and with a top link. Now suppose that you are buzzing a lot at a
pretty fast clip. Now put a short stump (or similar solid obstruction)
in the picture just in front of the mower. The front edge of the mower
hits the stump and note that the 3 point lift pins are suddenly a
pivot point... With the chain there is nothing to stop the whole mower
from pivoting completely over. With the top link it cannot, even with
a flex-link.
I'm not saying that it "will", just that it can... Frankly I'm not
interested in taking that chance... I will continue to use a top link
with a floating section about 6" long.
This is not mine but similar...

Many many years ago I "heard" some farmers talking about how
supposedly on a few of Harry Ferguson's earliest experimental hitches
back in England that he used too light of a top link and when he hit a
solid rock that the plow would break the link and flip completely over
and hit the seat. I have never found anything written about it but it
drew a vivid picture in my then young mind.
Some mowers I have seen have two short pieces of chain built into the
long rear braces at the back of the mower.


Be tolerant of almost everything but intolerance...

Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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