[AT] Some ads from the 8/14 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Aug 14 15:18:21 PDT 2010
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox
Markets section 8/114/10 weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper. [my
comments, if any, are in brackets]
White Farm Tractor 2-85 with cab. Cab has heat and AC tires 40% good
running tractor. Has 4 front weights Asking 7,800 obo Dauphin Co. PA
Wheel Weights for Farmall A or B Rear $75. Pair, Front $75. Pair.
Columbia Co. PA 570-784-1779
Wards PowerLite Generator (ONAN) built 1939 $150., Standard Walsh Garden
Tractor built 1948 $175. Jacobson riding sulky reel mower $175. built
1956. All Runable. Balto. Co. MD 410-374-3977
Service Manuals for International Truck - 1950 to 2001 Models, Parts,
Sales, and Operator’s Manuals also. All in original I.H. binders.
Reasonable Prices. Blair Co. PA 814-696-3377
Sattley Hit & Miss 2HP on truck restore on steel wheel truck $750.
McCormick Deering large flywheel Hit & Miss $750. Horse drawn potato
plow, nice $150. 19.5 Tire Chains $40. Stick Welder $50. Schuylkill Co.
PA 570-386-3143
Old Flywheel gas kero engine IHC 6HP M ign. fired rebuilt mag running on
cart $1,500. Anne Arundel Co. MD 410-969-9625
Montgomery Ward walk behind garden tractor with cultivators, Wisconsin
engine, like new tires and wheel weights, $200. York Co. PA 717-577-6913
Model G Allis Chalmers front weight $350. CA rear wheel weights $100.
Will work on D-10, D-12 tracctors. St. Mary’s Co. MD 301-994-0926
Massey Harris Pony/Pacer #41 2-way plow, good condition $250.00,
Pony/Pacer snow plow, fair condition $250.00, McCormick-Deering 8’
double roll cultipacker good condition $200.00 Dauphin Co. PA 717-896-8349
Loader and Woods Belly Mower fits AC, C or CA $250. each. O.B.O. Carroll
Co. MD 443-375-1113
Long 310 diesel compact tractor $1,500. Case vac restored $1,395. Massey
Harris Poney with cultivators $1,595. Ford 9N $1,000. John Deere MT
$2,000. Centre Co. PA 717-579-7953
M.F. 65 diesel with loader and back blade, good condition. 1974 I.H. 14
foot grain truck, dump body. Montour Co. PA 570-742-8109
Large “Hit and Miss” engine, separately old cast iron very unusual
engine, carriage, lots of other stuff. Hunterdon Co. NJ 908-735-4008 ask
for Bob.
John Deere 720 diesel $5,000 Lancaster Co. PA 717-445-0310, evenings.
John Deere 790 3PTH lift assembly.New!Lift arms, anti-sway chains,turn
buckles, lift links. Cost over $1300. Sell $900. OBO.Kelly #300 Loader,
trip bucket. Brillion bush-hog. cecil Co. MD 410-398-7680
John Deere MT for sale, good condition does not burn oil tires good.
$2,700 Lancaster Co. PA 717-626-4358
John Deere, yr 1949, good shape $3,200. Lancaster Co. PA 717-468-2629
John Deere 630 roll-o-matic front end. Three-point, no top link $4,500.
Clinton Co. 570-748-8124
JD2020 diesel, runs good, paint, tires okay needs tlc $4500 JD301
industrial loader tractor, gas, runs good/in good shape $4000 Lancaster
Co. PA 717-799-7460
John Deere 420W live PTO, adjustable rear wheels, 3pt, 5 speed. Tioga
Co. PA 570-404-0017
John Deere 50 2 cylinder gas $3,000. Cash O.B.O. Italian made Pin
Router, good working condition $850. 3 PH. Transformer $550. Trailer
Boxes $500.-$1,000. Berks Co. PA 610-678-5894
JD 520 PS runs good, rough $2,500/obo. No 3pt float ride seat. Lancaster
Co. PA 717-572-2298
International 140 high clearance offset tractor with full set of
cultivators $4000 Blair Co. PA 814-944-8151
Int. 3444 diesel backhoe, 3 bot. 3 pt. plow, 3 sec. J.D. harrow, small
disc, hay, straw, grain wagon. Lehigh Co. PA 610-393-6225
IH-706 gas, less than 5 hrs. on new motor, great condition, $5,000. OBO.
John Deere 894A Bar Rake, completely restored, all new teeth and paint,
make offer. Reg. Angus Herd for Sale. Northampton Co. PA 610-599-7098
IH 886 tractor, C/H, recent rebuilt engine, excellent rubber, dual PTO,
needs some work $8,000/obo. Washington Co. MD 301-992-7016
GP9 locomotive piston $40. Railroad crossing sign with flashers $250.
30+ railroad ties $5 thru $7/ea. Western maryland switch stand $150.
Adams Co. PA 717-624-8330 [I think it would be fun to have a RR crossing
sign and drive folks nuts on the road that crosses the abandoned RR
tracks in town]
Ford 50’ telescopic boom truck, Int. 544 tractor, good condition,
Farmall M with loader, excellent condition, 755 JD track loader, no
Sundays please. Berks Co. PA 610-488-7155
Ford Oval 100% Original Blue & White Porcelain “Genuine Ford Parts
Dealer” sign, mint condition, never used, $800. Firm. Bucks Co. PA
Ford 3000 tractor good condition $3,700. 6 ft. New Holland finishing
mower like new $1,100. 3 pt. 6 ft. rough cut 3 pt. mower good condition
$600. York Co. PA 717-968-6408
Ford 3400 loader tractor, gas, 8-speed, ps, 5.5 foot bucket, counter
weight, runs good needs clutch, no breaks/welds on loader, no pth/pto,
$3000.00. 610-759-1307 Northampton Co. PA 610-759-1307
Farmall SM good $3,200. Farmall H with Loader $1,800. Farmall BN $1,500.
IH 674 good rubber $5,000. 93 Chevy 1/2 Ton Truck $700. Juniata Co. PA
717-527-4803 No Sunday calls
Farmall H w/loader&trip bucket, runs good, good rubber, $1850.00; Case
ground drive manure spreader, nice shape, $975.00;MF #39 3pt 2row corn
planter, like new,$1275.00 Wayne Co. PA 570-470-5043
Farmall Cub w/belly mower, $2,200 cub w/sicklebar $2,000, cub w/belly
mower and snow plow $2,600 buy and sold cub & attachments. Dauphin Co.
PA 717-533-7345
Farmall C to 200 loader, good cond. GE Electric hot water heater 40 gal.
2 yrs. old. Lebanon Co. PA 717-821-5701
Farmall A with belly mower not running 1200, Feed bin 6 rings 9 diameter
needs new bottom , John Deere 40T with wide front Lycoming Co. PA
814 364 1977- 814 574 3260 CENTRE Co. PA 814 574 3260
Factory Allis Chalmers Loader of D10, fits other models, just off
tractor, nice original condition,$350.00/OBO. Farmall 2 bottom fast
hitch plow, $250.00 Lancaster Co. PA 717-786-8387
F20 Extension PTO assembly $500. OBO. Wauhshau F12 new manifold, rebuilt
carburator, W12, 012 complete air cleaner, radiator core fenders belt
pulley assembly JD Hit & Miss engine. Oakland Co. MD 301-334-6561
Company restored Ford 9N $3,500. 1942 Farmall H $1,195. Ford 2N $1,095.
Massey Harris 22 with cultivators $1,250. Husqvarna EZ5424 0-Turn mower,
100 hrs $2,496. Centre Co. PA 717-579-7953
Case 580 CK Loader tractor Diesel, power shuttle, sims cab, heat, wiper,
12 ply Firestone tires, GC. Runs strong. $3500. R/O. No Sun calls.
onondaga Co. NY 315-530-5823
Allis Chalmers model CA tractor wide front jumps out of 3rd gear $1,200.
St. Mary’s Co. MD 301-994-0926
A.C. 185 Diesel tractor, 6,700 hrs., nice cond., rear wts. 3,000 hrs. on
rebuilt engine at Alvin Martin Repair. Chester Co. PA 717-859-4598
9N with bucket, 53 Jubilee with bucket, not running. 2 - 8Ns, both run,
good shape. Farmall Cub with belly mower, runs good. Cecil Co. MD
284 International gas tractor with snow plow. 1400 hrs and in good
mechanical condition, paint is rough. Rear tire chains included.
$3000.00. Think snow! Berks Co. PA 610-488-6285
1954 Farmall Cub with fast hitch, Superchief plow and cults $2,500. Also
sickle bar mower, for Cub set of cults for Cub, fash hitch. Dauphin Co.
PA 717-649-2493
1964 John Deere 2010 tricycle tractor, full set of cultivators, runs
good $4,000. Monmouth Co. NJ 732-446-6847
1953 Farmall Cub International Harvester includes front plow with tire
chains/weights $2,500. Bucks Co. PA 215-766-8087 Call & Ask for Phil Sr.
1948 Farmall “C”, new rear rims, rear tires like new wheel weights, dual
pto, good tin and paint, new starter and muffler $1,600. Sussex Co. NJ
973-875-6154 Bill
1950 Farmall C, runs good, nice rubber $1,600. IH 720, 5 bottom plow,
ASR, with factory add-on 6th bottom, hillside hitch $2,200. Adams Co. PA
1952 JD B restored sand blasted, new paint, cast wheels, new tires,
seats, gauges, roll-a-matic, lights, have pictures or restoration
Northampton Co. PA 610-759-3469
1927 Fordson Tractor needs restoring motor loose, John Deere L Model
tractor needs restoring, Baird Beaver Model A Ford Doodle Bug Hay
Loader. Luzerne Co. PA 570-256-3513
1940 Farmall A good condition, runs good, good rubber - White 508 4
bottom plow auto reset 16” plow, hyd. Hill Side hitch. Cumberland Co. PA
Farmall super C tractor as is $875. Lancaster Co. PA 717-354-0266
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