[AT] Trailer hitch ball mount: RESOLVED--China
Stephen Offiler
soffiler at gmail.com
Mon May 4 06:23:02 PDT 2009
Hey Evil Dave, take your own advice and keep the politics off the list.
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:40 AM, David Rotigel <rotigel at me.com> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> On May 3, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Mark Greer wrote:
>> There was nothing political about this string of remarks. This was
>> solely a
>> lament of the current state of Americans who have no sense of pride
> At this point I was sure the discussion was about POTUS who while in
> the EU showed ONLY SHAME for the USA and what we had done for the world.
>> or are too lazy or too dumb to do a job right.
> Here I thought the talk was about Oboma's Sec. of the Treasury who at
> BEST was too dumb to fill out his taxes properly, and thus UNDERPAID
> by some $97,000.00. Also the Sec. of Home Security, who said the we
> must watch out for veterans and those who believe in the Bible --for
> those people are potential TERRORISTS! POTUS himself has worried about
> those of us "who cling to our religion and our guns" and warned
> against those of us who believe in God!
>> Please cite for me exactly where
>> politics was mentioned.
>> Mark
> Dave
> PS, The real clue that Charlie was talking against the current
> DEMOCRAT administration was when he said: "Mark, we've gotten to the
> point in this country that success is
>>>> determined by your ability to market and promote, not by your
>>>> ability to do quality work.
> Now who on earth could Charlie be talking about if not Obama?
> PPS, This sort of criticism of the Chosen One/THE MASSIA must stop at
> once, The ATIS list is NOT the place for such uninformed criticism!
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