[Ford-ferguson] Fw: Ferguson Live PTO
Richard D Lotze
rdlotze at juno.com
Sun May 31 19:46:40 PDT 2009
See Comments below : Dick
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From: cwi813 at mchsi.com
To: ford-ferguson at lists.antique-tractor.com
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 23:33:48 +0000
Subject: [Ford-ferguson] Ferguson Live PTO
FCCCEC807990C at mchsi.com>
My 1941 Ford-Ferguson 9N has the first factory-installed 3-point hitch
made for a tractor (Ford) and the hitch was made by Ferguson. As I
understand it the patent for it was held jointly by Ford and Ferguson. A
short while later, Ford decided he'd just use Ferguson's 3-point hitch
and wouldn't call the joint design anything but "Ford." That made
Ferguson mad, so he left the partnership.
First factory installed 3 point hitch Ferguson System was a David Brown
in England
The First FORD Tractor With a 3 point hitch Ferguson System was in 1939
after the 1938 Henry Ford & Harry Fergusion Handshake in 1938
The hanshake fell apart after Henry died and Henry II decided in 1947
that they ( FORD ) were losing too much money selling tractors to the
Ferguson operation.
Also wrong - The patent was held by Ferguson only, which was the reason
for the Laysuit when the handshake fell thru.
My PTO (factory installed) can be turned on and off by a lever just to
the left (and under) the driver's seat. When the lever is pushed all the
way forward to the front of the tractor, the PTO is turned off. When the
same lever is pushed toward the rear of the tractor, it is engaged. You
can be stopped or moving and still choose what you want the PTO to do. I
like that aspect.
You can turn the PTO on and off with lever under seat while Stopped - BUT
NOT while MOVING - this will cause a clash of the splines on the sliding
colar that puts it in and out of gear.
The Factory did NOT install the "live Power PTOs" 0n the 9N,2N, or 8N -
but there were after market devises.
The Service Manual I've talked about has exploded diagrams on all parts
of the Ford tractor as well as the Ferguson 3-point hitch, if you want to
see how it's done.
My comments may not have anything to do with what you're talking about,
though. I have one tractor and it's my first, but I've got all pieces
memorized - down to the part number. :O) I'm not an expert on any of
yours. - Cynthia
You May want to read "The Fords in my Past" By Harold Brock Chief
Engineer when the 9N was designed
Printed by Society of Automotive Enginneers, Inc. E-mail
publications at sae.org
> From: " Jim Peck @Yahoo "
> Subject: [Ford-ferguson] Ferguson live PTO
> This link has a picture of a TO30 with a Hupp auxiliary. You can see
the lever
> below the gearshift lever. What we do not know is if it is a Hi/Lo or
Live PTO.
> p.JPG
> [Bob W]Try this link
> [Jim Peck]I personally am interested in the information. It looks like
to me
> that Cockshutt beat Ferguson and Ford to the punch on live PTO in 1946.
Maybe we
> should try to advertise for one and see what turns up? I was born in 48
> wasn't paying attention to tractors until around 52 or so. If it turns
out that
> you could have, or still can, put a live PTO on a TO20/30 I would not
feel so
> badly.
> [Owen]Did the live PTO actually work? If so are there any still
available from
> some source? I have a TO20/TO30 mix and one of the few drawbacks is the
> [Jim Peck] This link has a picture of a TO30 with Live PTO. From what
little I see, it was
> not a simple add on. It is looking to me like adding Live PTO to a
> could be pretty complex. No word yet on any retrofit kit.
> http://www.ytmag.com/cgi-bin/viewit.cgi?bd=ferg&th=71931
> [Owen]Did the live PTO actually work? If so are there any still
available from
> some source? I have a TO20/TO30 mix and one of the few drawbacks is the
> Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 10:57:26 -0400
> From: " Jim Peck @Yahoo "
> Subject: [Ford-ferguson] Ferguson Live PTO
> In this post to the MasseyFerguson email group, a retired
> Ferguson/Massey-Harris/Massey Ferguson dealer confirms that both
Sherman and
> Hupp overdrives were available for Ferguson tractors. He never sold a
Live PTO
> option.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MasseyFerguson/message/314
> This still leaves the question of whether Live PTO was available as a
> installed option on the TO series or was strictly aftermarket. This
might be
> something a small manufacturer might want to add.
> If anyone needs assistance accessing the link, please email me off
Ford-ferguson mailing list
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