[Ford-ferguson] Ferguson PTO Belt Pulley

Jim Peck @Yahoo jamesgpeck at yahoo.com
Fri May 22 07:27:54 PDT 2009

We know that Harry Ferguson was an early practitioner of the art of outsourcing. I significantly doubt that the Belt Pulley sold by Harry Ferguson, Inc. was manufactured by him. Does anyone know if the same Belt Pulley was also offered for sale through Ford? If not, did Ford offer one?

[Eric Watness]I'm interested. I don't need perfect but useable is essential. The one I have is pretty torn up. What is your asking price? I'd need it shipped to Seattle at 1509 10th West. 98119 and wonder what that cost will be as well. Thank you. 

[Buckies]I have a paper pulley, not quite perfect, very  useable 

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MasseyFerguson/join MasseyFerguson and related brands 

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