[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 5/9 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat May 9 15:06:13 PDT 2009
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 5/9/2009. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
WC Allis Chalmers tractor mowers cultivator Farmall C tractor Case
tractor chicken roost Stering culdpacker for parts 10-20 McCormick
Deering tractor with hillside hitch Berks Co. PA 610-777-6607
TD18 Dozer, new undercarriage & head; Gallion grader, D14 IH eng., for
rent or sale, operator optional, between Pittsburg & Chester. Lancaster
Co. PA 717-786-6889
Small trailer 6x7x2 sides great for small farm $350/obo; 1949 Farmall
Cub good paint and tires, new seat cover, wheel weights $1,995/obo
Dauphin Co. PA 717-533-7345
M-W clutch for Farmall-M $50, New Idea loader model 506 trip bucket,
good shape $300 obo, still on Farmall-H, call after 5. Lebanon Co. PA
Massey Ferguson 165 diesel8 speed with square axle housings runs good
nice paint good tires.new lower price $5995.oo will send
pictures.delivery available. sullivan 18614 Co. PA 570 924 3757
Massey Ferguson 35 Special 1 1/2 rolls barb wire Power Shaft NH bale
thrower #53 Luzerne Co. PA 570-868-6365
MF 20 w/ldr; JD 520; Ford 9N; Farm 560 w/ldr; Farm 340; Farm H w/ldr;
Farm M P5, Long 550D; AC D17; Farm 404; Ford 801, 3 pt-7ft hog, JD 10 ft
disk, 3 pt - 6 ft disk; Oliver 3 bt-trailer plow, New Idea ground driven
manure spreader, 3 hay wagons, 3 pt plo Clinton Co. PA 570-295-0477
John Deere Tractors parts tractors,partial restored & restoreable,
Ls,LAs,Ms,40S,50,60, 420U,420W,440IC,1936 A Carroll Co 276-728-4727
Carroll Co. VA 276-728-4727
John Deere,Economy,hit miss,Maytags,Friends Orchard Sprayer 1930 with
pump,engine,all restored, on its own original trailer. many more items.
Berks Co. PA 610 845 3987
JD3010G NF nice $4,000, Farmall super A w/cults $2,000, woods 3 pt. RM
306 mower $450, woods L-59, 3 pt. mower $375, Int. 354 gas tractor
Vineyard $2,000. Bucks Co. PA 215-598-7546
John Deere B 1941 new tires, new John Deere gages elec. start $2,800.
St. Marys Co. MD 301-737-7757
John Deere 10A backhoe attachment,frame mount brackets included, 24in
bucket, good condition $3950 obo call after 5pm POTTER Co. PA 814-848-7958
John Deere 80 $9,600, John Deere L $3,100, Allis Chalmers WD $1,250.
Franklin Co. PA 717-532-2873
John Deere 420T, narrow front, good tires and sheet metal. Runs
excellent $3300. M snow blade, correct weights and chains for early
tractor $425 Howard Co. MD 410-489-9791
JD #51 sickle mower fits JD M tractor new knives Pitman belt painted
show ready with manual $500/firm. Har. Co. Co. MD 443-226-8276
JD 145 loader fits JD utility tractors $1,500 obo, JD 2020 diesel
tractor, good $5,000 obo both for $6,000. Berks Co. PA 610-641-0644
IH 140 with snow plow, good rubber $3500; Farmall H runs good, good
rubber $2000; IH 240 fast hitch, good rubber, straight tin $4000. Wayne
Co. PA 570-499-1234
IH 574 rear + trans complete works good $1,500, pto set up, powerstroke,
auto pto + hyd. pump, Chersa brand $650, like new. Berks Co. PA 610-488-8696
IH 656 Tractor w/bucket & cab.low hours. Misc Farm/livestock items,
tools, antiques, household. Moving Sale - Fri & Sats in May.Call for
directions, info. YORK Co. PA 717-382-1169
IH 660D tractor, steel wheels 540 pto, belt pulley, 85HP, good tractor
for belt power, less than 1000 hours on overhaul, good running tractor
$4,000. Lancaster Co. PA 717-786-2773
IH 706 gas 2-point hitch 1033, New Holland bale wagon used 2008 IH 5500
chisel plow pull type II tooth. Juniata Co. PA 717-953-5748
IH300, 2200 hrs., fast hitch, good TA, new tires, good paint, no rust or
dents, runs and looks good, kept inside $3,500. Frederick Co. MD
Int. 656 tractor starts good runs good but needs some work $2500/obo.
Lancaster Co. PA 717-548-4044
International TD-9 6-cylinder diesel with blade, PTO & good
undercarriage, field ready, $6,500. Berks Co. PA 610-944-0132
Hit & Miss Engines: 22hp Bessemer, w/hot tube, restored $3,000, Schramm
2 cylinder compressor $1,100, Cushman Cub 2hp $250, Antique printing
press $250, 10hp Otto engine. York Co. PA 717-818-8171
Ford 850 tractor runs great,good tires$3000 also ford 9n nice tractor
and 871 sos tractor good cond call Brain millville Co. NJ 856-297-2807
Ford tractor 9n 2n 8n used short block assembly.This engine has the
original gray paint. Stored 40+ years. must see $300 firm. Kent Co. DE
Farmall Super A sickle bar woods deck rebuilt motor good metal $3,500;
Cub Cadet model 3185 48 deck P/S P/L lights and more $1,200 Berks Co. PA
Ferguson 30 F/E loader, 2 buckets, dozerblade, new chains, cal. both R
wheels, 3 pt. $5,000 obo. Lehigh Co. PA 610-967-2602
Ford 535 diesel backhoe, new battery filters and hoses, 500 hours on
rebuilt engine and new tires $75, 8 lug skidloader belting wheels $650.
Berks Co. PA 610-641-9581
Farmall 130 offset tractor high clear. cultivator, side dresser, new
tires, runs and looks very good $5,500. Monmouth Co. NJ Cell 609-477-4765
Farmall cub 154 with mower and snow plow $1,900, 1968 cub loboy with
sickle mower $1,500, both have turf tires, hydraulic and good cond.
Berks Co. PA 610-641-9581
Complete 2 Gage Railroad, steam locomotive, gas locomotive, cars, 1 mile
double track w/ties, $98,000. OBO, Located Honesdale. Call anytime.
Montgomery Co., Pa. 610-940-2668. [I think he means 2 foot gauge, not
that I am in the market for something like that]
Cletrac Crawler AG-6, runs good, tracks and bottom ok, no blade, has
brush hog- pto driven included $2100 bucks Co. PA 215-598-8227
Allis Chalmers G cultivaters, no hydraulics, runs good $3,200. OBO.
Lancaster Co. PA 717-786-7448
Allis-Chalmers B/C Parts. All indoors & clean. 2)Transmissions, 2)Final
Drives 2)Rear Wheel Centers Wishbone Axle with Spindles Cultivator Bars.
$950. All. No Sunday Calls Onondaga Co. NY 315-673-9807
A.C. WC unstyled $850., Ferguson T030 $1,300., Ford power air compressor
172 engine $425, FMC pump with Chrysler engine ? FMC air blast sprayer.
Bucks Co. PA 215-431-6459
AC G tractor good condition $3,800. 1979 International dump truck 6.9L
diesel $3,800. 1979 International dump truck 466 diesel good for farm or
parts $2,500. Lebanon Co. PA 717-838-2554
450 John Deere Crawler loader with roll bar cab, fair condition $5,900,
price is negotiable, Daniel Yoder, 462 Rose Valley School Road, Dover,
DE 19904. Kent Co. DE 302-678-3953 ex. 1
65 MF hi clearance diesel tractor w/side mount culti $3,000; 2 pavilion
roofs 81w 19l $50/ea. Rabbit feeders $1.00/ea. Rubber coated wire
chicken slats 4x13 2x6 $25/ea. 10 hole roll away nest boxes $45/ea.
Dauphin Co. PA 717-362-2021 no Sun. calls
430 John Deere tri-cycle, restored. Carroll Co. MD 443-807-3663
3020 John Deere narrow front, good tires, diesel, average condition,
$4,500 or best offer. Lycoming Co. PA 570-547-1509
1958 Case 800B Diesel Tractor, Case-O-Matic Drive, 3pt Eagle hitch, Wide
Front, Frt/Rear Wheel Weights, Runs & Drives W/Case 5 bottom Plow.
$2000.00 Berks Co. PA 610-756-3848
1959 JD 730 gas tractor square wide front end 3 point, nice sheet metal
and rubber $7,500; 2008 OMH Proscreen topsoil screener $11,250/obo.
Lycoming Co. PA 570-482-2070
1929 Allis Chalmers Model U. 1936 Allis Chalmers Model WC with new front
tires, 95% on rear tires, original paint. Monroe Co. PA 570-992-2865
1948 Farmall cub lights, weights, hydraulics, PTO, new paint, muffler,
front tires, many new parts, call for information, Farmall HTM,
cultivator parts. Sussex Co. NJ 973-875-6154
1948 John Deere M, restored, 7 ft. 51 mower M2 plow 4 wheel weights
extra sickle bar & blade plus other extras, many new parts, manuals.
Berks Co. PA 610-678-4066
1950 T020 Ferguson farm tractor, runs & works good, wide front, new
tires, good metal, new battery $1,700. Sussex County, DE, (302) 645-2784.
1953 Ford Golden Jubilee with high-low transmission, sound, shed kept
tractor, nice tin, 90% tire tread $3,000 Lancaster Co. PA 717-656-9357
1948 John Deere B tractor with or without loader straight tin good paint
runs excellent, new rear tires $2,450. Perry Co. PA 717-438-3076
69 Int. stake truck, 5 ton $500, 135 Massey tractor as is $1,500. York
Co. PA 717-266-2828
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