[AT] Oliver 770
cvee60 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 4 17:55:25 PST 2009
Thank you Farmer. My mind was having a good time with the four legged driver thought, but your explanation makes a lot more sense.
> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 20:10:22 -0500
> From: robinson46176 at gmail.com
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: Re: [AT] Oliver 770
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 7:50 PM, CEE VILL <cvee60 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Question. Craig's List has an Oliver 770 gas offered for sale. I am not interested in this tractor, even though it looks decent and has WFE. I noticed in the photos there are four foot pedals. I can assume about left and right brake and clutch. What is the purpose of the fourth pedal. Reverser? High low range? Applies both wheel brakes together? Four legged tractor driver?
> >>
> >> Charlie in WNY
> >
> > After closer examination, the one on the left may not be a foot pedal. It may just be a round shaft left of the clutch. Pretty hard to tell for sure.
> >
> > Charlie
> ==============================================
> Those had a clutch and two turning brakes that sat apart a bit and
> between the two was a pedal that was connected (with hinges) only to
> the two turn brakes so that you could apply both brakes evenly. Not
> only did it push both brakes at once but it served as an "evener"
> between them.
> --
> --
> "farmer"
> "Good clean muck never hurt nobody!!!"
> Morris Moulterd
> Hay and Straw Exchange (Buy it, sell it and trade it.)
> http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/HayandStrawExchange
> Francis Robinson
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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