[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 1/17 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jan 17 15:49:22 PST 2009
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 1/17/2009. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
WD-45 W/F parts tractor, Farmall H - exc. cond., A-C front end loaders,
JD 420 mower, A-C parts & equipt. Lanc. Co. 717-284-2640.
Two wheels JD 520 with co-op tires, good 3/4" tread $600. Two rims JD
520, JD 530 or JD 3020 14:38 $250. Franklin Co., 717-263-5588.
Powerking garden tractor, three-point blade & cultivator, excellent
$1,800. 14' rear-unload body for sawdust with hydralic system
$1,100/obo. Juniata Co., 717-463-2142.
New Holland 1049 stack cruiser, John Blue 1025 nurse tank, IH Transtar
road tractor, two Oliver 77 farm tractors. Kent Co., 410-928-5499.
John Deere B, runs, straight sheet metal, 1948 decent rubber, 1984 GMC
3/4 ton 2x4 454 CID auto. York Co. (717) 439-4443.
JD 720D new battery, cables rebuilt, water pump fair condition %6,350.
Parts JD 165 hydro mower, nice 38" deck $100. Lanc. Co., 717-445-0310.
JD 3010 diesel w/front 13.9x36 tires 50% good rims 12 volt recond.
radiator needs starter/crank shaft good parts $3,800. OBO. Bucks Co.
JD 440B cable skidder tires at 95%, has all sheet metal and guards, new
batteries and manuals. York Co., 717-801-7145.
International 424 diesel utility tractor with chains recently serviced
used regularly, good running order, runs clean 29,340 hrs. $2,650.
Loudoun Co. 703-431-7621.
International 354 gas, fair condition $2,400. Berks Co. 610-683-7902.
[This is a UK tractor and I suspect pretty rare in the US]
Indian chainsaw 1959, very rare model 651D, original paint, clean, good
condition, out of museum in Minnesota. Chester Co., 610-286-2883.
IH cub Lo-Boy, 1958 woods mower, fast hitch, $3,000. Flatbed fits GM
88-98 single wheel trucks $150. Berks Co. 717-821-0723.
IH T340 crawler with backhoe $5,000. Also buying IH trucks and Scouts in
any condition, dead or alive. Chester Co., 610-620-4524.
IH 424D diesel with Bobcat loader engine overhauled metal & tires in
great cond. runs good. Carroll Co. 443-324-4606.
IH 706-826 engine 358 German, runs good $1,650. IH flat top fenders, no
rust, complete $500. Berks Co. 610-488-8676. [Those are mighty expensive
IH 1066 strong motor, but needs trans work, some new parts. $2,500.
Mifflin Co., 717-363-6295.
I.H. 464/Loader, 45 hp exc. $5,500. LandPride 3pt 5 ft. spike harrow
$350. Manure spreader 75 bu. same as N.I. 12-A $900. Frederick Co.
Handmade bricks from the 1840s excellent shape thousands available 1.00
apiece obo. Beautiful stones from stone wall. Lancaster Co. 717-653-7346.
Ford 3,000 diesel 4x8 2-stage clutch power steering orig. paint tires
seat 2045 hours, working tach $4,850. Cumberland Co. 717-243-4362.
Ford 4000 flat deck 8 speed trans 20 hrs. on overhaul repainted new rear
tires nice tractor $7,500. Bucks Co. 215-536-7964.
Ford 861D original paint, shedded, low hours $3,500. WANTED: tall gas
pump; Cushman scooter. Ford model A parts. Atlantic Co., 609-927-2912.
Ferguson TO30 new paint good running condition $2,200 obo. Boer billy
goat breeding age, friendly $100, hay $3.50 bale. York Co. 717-927-6200.
Ferguson 30 tractor, 3pt hitch $1,600. Snow blowers, starting at $225
and up. firewood $60/half. Lanc. Co., 717-336-2687.
Farmall 100 Im looking to buy in good condition. Also good tin. No
Sunday calls. Bradford Co., 570-297-3306.
Farmall 504 diesel runs, wide front power steering leaks to work, PTO
good, new back rim $1,700/obo, loader. Montg. Co., 240-832-8137.
Farmall 504 runs good needs work $1,400. Oliver 550 $3,500. Case 311
$1,000. Ford 9N for parts $575. Centre Co. 717-579-7953.
Farmall C tractor 1950 Model very nice shape newer paint, runs good,
$1,900. Family owned for 49 years. Montgomery Co. 215-257-5691.
Farmall Cub Lowboy with belly mower run $850. 8N hood $200. 8N fenders
$150 like new TD6 runs. Cape May Co. 609-780-3782.
Farmall Super C new parts good condition runs. Pequea 9x18 bale wagon,
iron sides, good cond. more info 717-633-1532. York Co.
Farmall Super M very sharp $3,700. MF 233 12 disk $1,300. NH 467 haybine
$1,200. F-250 make offer. Northampton Co. 484-357-9405.
Farmall tractor with 50 gallon field sprayer. 11 Sandbrood Headquarters
Road, RD, Stockton, NJ 08559. Sprayer attached. Hunterdon Co.,
973-948-5781. [Another generic "Farmall" - I guess they are all alike]
8N Ford tractor fresh engine looks like new $3,000. Firm. WWII Bomber
Jacket $150. York Co. 717-968-5080.
A.C. D17 with steel wheel $2,000. O.B.O. 2 910 Gehl forage wagons, parts
or fix up $500. each. Wooden bale wagon $600. Berks Co. 610-683-7141.
3 Farmall for sale SC with mower C new paint nice Cub with blade new
paint very nice. Cumb. Co. 717-243-9600.
1957 JD 720 diesel tractor wide front end, 3 pt, PS, low hours, shed
kept, good rubber $6,500. Hampshire Co., WV 304-822-5738.
1949 JD G new overhaul $5,500. 1951 JD A restored $7,000. JD 4240 CAH,
quad, new tires, nice. York Co., 717-324-2353.
1952 BW long axles 42 inch wheels good condition $4,000. JD #44 plow
with JD cylinder restored $300. Franklin Co. 717-328-2382.
1948 or 9 John Deere new paint, decals, motor rebuilt rollmatac, all new
exhaust, batteries, shutters work. Adams Co., 717-334-8664.
1941 John Deere (G) unstyled cast wheels, all original, 1942 John Deere
(H) completely redone, new tires, cultivators, showroom condition.
Cambria Co., 814-674-5065.
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