[AT] OT Personal Mattias
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Tue Feb 3 04:39:35 PST 2009
My grandfather had a blacksmith shop on his farm when I was a little kid.
He had a hand crank blower and my sister and I loved to take turns cranking
the blower for him. Tractors had come along by the time we did so he didn't
use the forge so much any more but back in the old days he was able to keep
all of his horse drawn equipment repaired by himself. He also was a pretty
good wheelright and leather worker. He built his own wagons, made wagon
wheels, and did his own harness work.
Back about 1960 or so he made me a bull whip. It was one of my prized
possessions. In 1985 I traded a car for a pickup truck and forgot that the
whip was in the trunk of the car. When I went back to the dealership they
denied knowing anything about the whip and refused to let me search the car.
The look on the guys face and his cold attitude told me all I wanted to
know. They had either thrown it away or someone that worked there had
claimed it for thier own and he wasn't man enough to own up to it.
Sorry for the ramble.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mattias Kessén" <davidbrown950 at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT Personal Mattias
Thanks all again, some answers and comments.
Bob, I'll get some pictures in time but there's not much to be seen.
Check this one out instead it's also in the Västervik area
http://www.vt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?ArticleId=4405712 I lived across
the road from it for three years. It has been restored in the last two
years, it was built 1900 and the door got closed in 1970 and then
hardly ever opened for 35 years (quit drewling) The belt driven hammer
in the movie is from 1860.
Alan, a big bowl of red crawfish is about as beatiful as anything can
be. I should tell you that we cook them different than you do (from
what I've heard) we cook them with with lots of salt and dill and
sometimes some other ingredient(s).
2009/2/3 <Edchainsaw at aol.com>:
> YOUR NOT OT MATTIAS! your fine :)
> In a message dated 2/2/2009 12:10:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> at-request at lists.antique-tractor.com writes:
> [AT] OT Personal Mattias
> **************Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.
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