[AT] The last question I had on my list for December.

Al Jones farmallsupera at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 31 15:20:31 PST 2009

Well I didn't start really doing anything 'till the mid 80's due to my age,
but my favorite would probably be disking with the JD 2940 (our big tractor
then) especially in the fall when it was a little cool and not much dust.
Pulling a rolling cultivator in foot tall corn, hammer down in 6th gear,
laying by tall (up to the top of the hood) corn with the 230 and 300 gal.
nitrogen sprayer, and following a row mark while planting are all right up
there too. Most any field job is a favorite as long as everything was
working halfway right. 

Least favorite would be anything involving the hogs--mainly using a tractor
to move sows around with the hog trailer, or taking it into the woods to
rake pinestraw for hog bedding.  Today buying round bales of wheat straw
for bedding is definately worth it, though trying to push a bale into a hog
shelter with the 424 and bale spear--through a doorway about 8" too narrow
for the bale--is right up there on the least favorite list now....


> [Original Message]
> From: carl gogol <cgogol at twcny.rr.com>
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Date: 12/31/2009 4:13:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] The last question I had on my list for December.
> My least favorite job was running the edible bean harvester.  You ran a 
> Farmal 140 in low gear at about 700 RPM all day long and you had to stay 
> square on the rows or there was too much loss.
> Favorite was hay raking with the farmall H (any tractor would be fine) or 
> running the 24' IH Vibrashank cultivator with the Oliver 990 was also
> relaxing as long as the muffler functioned (GM 2 cycle diesel!) 
> beans was in the middle and could have moved up if the power steering on
> Oliver 1850 could have been fixed to not fight all the time.  These were 
> rear mounted cultivators and looking back was mostly counterproductive
> the steering taking almost all the attention I cound muster.
> Carl Gogol - Manlius, NY
> Tasty grazing in the Oran valley of Central NY
> AC D14, 914H
> JD 5320 MFWD
> Kubota F-2400, B7300HST
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