[AT] Some ads from the 12/19 Lancaster Farming - snow
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Sun Dec 20 10:14:18 PST 2009
David it never got below about 42 while the water was falling and all we had
was a misty rain. I did actually see 3 or 4 flakes of snow so it must have
been snowing up at high and the misty rain was maybe melted snow flakes but
no we didn't get any. thank goodness.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Bruce" <davidbruce at yadtel.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Some ads from the 12/19 Lancaster Farming - snow
> About 8 inches of snowfall here. Things moving slower but no real
> problems. The snowfall amount drops off quickly going east so I doubt
> Charlie Hill and the rest of the eastern NC guys have enough to make a
> snowman <g>.
> This was my Chow's first experience with and significant snowfall - she
> still isn't sure about that white stuff on the ground.
> David
> Mike Sloane wrote:
>> I am in the northwest corner of NJ (about 60 miles inland), and it looks
>> like we "dodged the bullet" here. At 5 AM Sunday morning, the snow has
>> stopped, and there are only a couple of inches on the ground. From what
>> I understand, those closer to the Atlantic coast got hit harder. I am OK
>> with what we got, and I owe that minimal amount to the fact that I had
>> my truck and Ford 860 all rigged for snow as of yesterday afternoon. :-)
>> Mike
>> Bob McNitt wrote:
>>> I have to ask: How are you guys in the Mid Atlantic states holding up
>>> with the historic nor'easter roaring up the coast? I'm far enough NW of
>>> the NY coast to avoid the heavy stuff.
>>> Bob in CNY
>>> On 12/19/2009 6:01 PM, Mike Sloane wrote:
>>>> Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
>>>> subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
>>>> Farming newspaper for 12/19/2009. [my comments, if any, are in
>>>> brackets]
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