[AT] Tractor collecting question - wishing

Alan Nadeau ajnadeau1 at myfairpoint.net
Sat Dec 19 08:55:41 PST 2009

Well, if I'm gonna wish it might as well be big time.  I'd like a late model 
Dubuque two cylinder Deere.  Might as well go whole hog, it would be nice if 
it had a reverser, PTO, 3pt and remotes(if they were even available on 

Getting pigish it should come with a 2 bottom plow and as big a disc as it 
could handle in light soils.  A two row mounted corn planter(with a full set 
of plates) would get used too.

I'm currently gardening a couple acres and it is getting to where tillage is 
a bit too much for my JD 400 L&G with a 12" single bottom plow and 4' disc. 

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