[AT] I'm back again

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 14:22:31 PST 2009

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Best, George <George_Best at adp.com> wrote:
> You're right Alan.  Would be great to retire although I've become accustomed to a standard of living that will have to change without having the same income.  I messed up years ago by not taking a government job with a great retirement ;-)  I've worked for the same company 35 years now, and my retirement is primarily my 401k plus a SMALL company pension.

Just to show you how dumb I am I lived extremely frugally (poor) most
of my life. I keep retiring from working one enterprise at a time and
every time I retire from one my income goes up. I have not figured it
out yet except that I believe that it is related to how I have lived.
I was always embarrassed to tell people that after I made the choice
to live by my wits that I never made more than "half" a living... :-)
After I quit living by my wits my income had to go up. ;-)
I'm down to all hobbies now so I can't retire from anything else...
Well I can retire from one rental house in the next county and I am
about ready. Maybe about July. House, shop building and 17 acres of
woods and river (Big Flatrock) .

Have you hugged your horses today?

Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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