[AT] Old trains, now NC State
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon Dec 7 18:42:37 PST 2009
Al, the drive times are the same or more in town, it's just fewer miles.
Speaking of farms sprouting, as I like to call them, vinyl boxes. I was out
by Mike's Farm a couple of weekends ago and was surprised to see houses
everywhere near his farm. I sure picked a bad day to go. On the way out 58
I got behind a funeral procession. When we got to the road to the airport
the procession turned ahead of us. It was about that time I remembered the
kid that died in a wreck right near Mikes Farm. Sure enough we followed the
funeral procession all the way to Mikes and they turned into the parking
lot. I guess they were haveing a reception there after the funeral. I
just kept on going, turned around and went home.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Al Jones" <farmallsupera at earthlink.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Old trains, now NC State
> Raleigh has changed remarkably since I was a full time student at NCSU 11
> years ago. Even then, you could drive 15-20 minutes and be in the open
> country. Harder to do now judging by how things look along I-40.
> The area where Charlie and I live is growing fast too, economy has slowed
> it some. But Camp Lejeune (some tight as$es have started saying we are
> supposed to pronounce it "Luh-JEURN" but as far as I'm concerned, us
> locals
> were here before the Marines were so we'll keep calling it La-JOON, thank
> you very much) is supposed to be adding a bunch of troops over the next
> couple years which has dulled the downslide here some. Some nice 100 acre
> farms have sold for unbelievable sums, and are now growing houses. It's
> sad to see. Growth can be good, but I have no problem with driving 30
> minutes to an hour to go shopping or out to eat if it will preserve my
> quality of life.
> Al
>> [Original Message]
>> From: David Bruce <davidbruce at yadtel.net>
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Date: 12/7/2009 2:24:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Old trains, now NC State
>> I'll second Charlie here. It is amazing how the whole Triangle has
>> grown - heck for that matter much of the state.
>> It's not the sleepy little area it was even when I was a student - urban
>> yes but nothing like Charlotte, Atlanta or the other major areas.
>> I'm sure Charlie's area has grown but at nowhere near the rate. Same
>> for this are (NW of Winston-Salem). Locally we were growing houses and
>> vineyards instead of tobacco until the recent economic downturn
>> Now not so many houses - in fact my neighbor is a finish carpenter
>> (contractor) by trade. He recently installed some vinyl siding on a
>> detached garage for me. He said he hadn't worked a new house in 18
>> months.
>> So now he is doing other things like the siding. He is staying busy but
>> finish carpentry is a small part of his income now. A sign of the real
>> estate market here and we were never in the "go-go" category when things
>> were good.
>> In the mid '60's an aunt and uncle lived in Cary (he was an engineer for
>> Southern Bell). I remember visiting a couple times but by the time I
>> was a student at State (they had moved to Charlotte some years
>> previously) I couldn't find their street - no way I could even come
>> close now.
>> David
>> NW NC
>> charliehill wrote:
>> > LMAO Gene. You wouldn't believe how things have changed. When I was a
>> > Freshman at state you could go about 4 miles north of the center of
> town and
>> > you were in country that looked as if only the indians had ever seen it
>> > before. Now North Raleigh is closing in on the state of Virginia.
> Well not
>> > exactly but it's about half way there.
>> > You can pass through Apex and never know you left Raleigh or Durham or
>> > Chapel Hill for that matter.
>> >
>> >
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