[AT] Cee Vill, hip replacement

Gene Waugh GWaugh at wowway.com
Sat Dec 5 20:47:41 PST 2009

Guys, FWIW, I had a knee replacement about 5 years ago and it has been 
wonderful; I had no complications and recuperated prety fast.  It has 
been wonderful!

OTOH, a lady I know had a knee replacement last summer.  Got infected, 
and they had to exchange it.  She is coming along well now, but has had 
a tough row to hoe.

And as several have mentioned, things do not always go right.  A couple 
years ago I had some hernia repair done, got a staph infection, and six 
months after the initial surgery had three more hospital stays.

The benefits can be great, but unfortunately there is a degree of risk.  
I think it was Cecil who said he wouldn't have surgery without being 
prepared with living will, etc---I sure do agree with that!!

Elgin, Illinois USA

Alan Nadeau wrote:
> Charlie,  Nothing wrong with admitting anxiety about surgery, but it might 
> help to check out this thread 
> http://www.letstalksnow.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24567    The guy who 
> started it is Mike Coombs, a friend of ours from Maine.  He was nervous 
> about getting it done as well.  Within days of the surgery he was in less 
> discomfort than he was before he had it done.   I'm sure he would be willing 
> to talk to you about it if you want.  Send me your email and I'll send you 
> his phone number and let him know you might be calling.
> Also, if it helps, my wife has had both hers done with truly amazing 
> results.
> Al Nadeau
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "CEE VILL" <cvee60 at hotmail.com>
> To: "new atislist" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 4:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] BOOO! anyone awake in there?
>> Hi Ivan,
>> No, I do not have the dose pak.  I am trying a 30 day run of Celebrex. 
>> The Dr. also gave a sample of a topical called Voltaren Gel to try, but 
>> suggested I not try both at once.  If I get benefit we would not know 
>> which one helped so the gel is waiting in the wings.  X-ray shows my knee 
>> is not worn out, but it sure can conjure up the pain.  The hip on the 
>> other hand is very worn out and the obvious fix for that is some after 
>> market parts.  Larry Goss and numerous others told me last year to "get 
>> 'er done", but I have not found the courage yet.  I have a long list of 
>> reasons to avoid surgery, but it may be nearer than I think.  Even though 
>> I managed to get a fair amount accomplished over the summer, having a 
>> nearly usless leg leaves a lot to be desired.
>> Charlie V.
>>> From: ivancou at windstream.net
>>> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>>> Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 15:16:29 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: [AT] BOOO!  anyone awake in there?
>>> Charlie V ,  you mean the methopred dose pak ,they work but take about a
>>> week to get the full effect . But better than the needle any day .   My
>>> surgon wants me to do a series of weekly shots for 6 weeks , in the
>>> knees.Some kind of artificial lubricant for joints , that'll be a mighty
>>> cold day .      Ivan

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