[AT] Gas Tank Liner

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 05:24:00 PST 2009

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:09 AM,  <Edchainsaw at aol.com> wrote:
> we have  a  1655 oliver that has  that  red koat   stuff in it...    it
> worked for a while..
> it went to leaking   and  then the  red stuff   tore off  the  tank insides
> and  plugs  the  fuel  inlet...

My Allis C has some rust inside of the tank. No holes, just rust
flakes. I modified the stand-pipe with a taller fine screen at the
sediment bowl assembly so that it leaves about an inch of fuel
standing around the bulge down where the bowl screws into the bottom
of the tank. About once a year I drain the tank and remove the bowl
assembly and flush out the crud that accumulates in the bulge down and
put it back together. So far so good.
It was a funny thing about that tank. It was always perfect until one
year when we were at the show at the living history museum north of
Indy. That tractor has sat out a lot in all kinds of weather. We used
it to power augers and big elevators so it sat hooked up at various
bins all fall sometimes. It "NEVER" got any water in that fuel tank.
Never. That year at the museum show a big storm came up and there were
tornado sitings within a few miles of there so they had all of us come
into the main museum building (large) and hunker down in areas with a
lot of support walls. Lots of rain but nothing abnormal.
We didn't run any more that day but the next day the Allis fired up
fine but suddenly quit. In that tank that had never leaked water, I
found 1 1/2" of water... I also found what I thought may have been
sugar but later thought may have been salt in it as I drained it. Lots
of flushing later it ran fine but ever since that tank has had a layer
of rust and crud inside. BTW, it has sat out on a herd of rains and
storms since and has never gotten any water in it at all. I have
suspected an arrogant egotistical jerk who belongs to the local club
here (I no longer do) but of course there is no proof. He had come up
to our display earlier spouting and blowing and I finally turned
around and walked away leaving him standing there. He was trying to
tell us how we should be doing things but he had no connection with
that show at all. He is one of those guys that has to be the center of
attention and constantly puts other members stuff down to gain the
attention he wants. He spends a lot of time strutting and spouting
loudly. He is not at all popular locally and sadly even though he was
one of the founding members of the local club I fear that he is
largely responsible for the clubs almost total demise now. The club
still claims in the pre-show press release that they draw 300 old
tractors. We drove by the fair grounds last year going to yard sales
and I doubt that there were 25 tractors sitting there. They do pull in
quite a few for a tractor pull but they just come in and pull and load
back up and leave. They don't even make it to the show area, pulling
is done in the center-field of the track.
I keep thinking of getting a few old former members together and
starting another club but I have too many irons in the fire now. For
now I just go to other local shows nearby and show at one of them.
There is a completely different attitude at those shows and while the
local club dies they are growing... I think that says a lot...

Have you hugged your horses today?

Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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