[AJD] Bought another A today.. It's a doozy...

Chris C jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 28 20:04:12 PDT 2008

Last week I replied to an ad on Craigslist for a 1951 A with a Schwartz Wide front end that seemed overpriced..  Today,  I got to go and see it. 

  What I found was a 1951 A,  with a Schwartz Wide Front end,  Behlen power steering adapted to it..  The tractor is stuck.  There is not gas tank, the hood is no good,  the grills aren't very nice,  the rear tires hold air and that is about it,  same with the fronts.  The wide front end has been modified to accept the power steering.  The pedestal is all broken up..  It does have the correct carb,  and it does a Delco distributor...

   When I first walked up to it,  I thought, "Run away."  but oh no,  when I told the guy I did not want to upset him with an offer he said, "Try me."  So I did,  and now it is mine.  I guess I felt bad,  he is a Boeing Machinist that is on strike..  and he accepted my offer.

    So, I am wondering if someone builds aftermarket parts for the Schwartz front ends..  I doubt very seriously that this A will ever run.  I am eyebaling the front end for my 52B...  

    Here is a link to the pictures: 



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