[AT] OT Chainsaw recommendations?
Chris C
jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 17 19:00:36 PDT 2008
I used to work in equipment rental and we rented Echo Saws and they were good to us. I wasn't so sure when went to plastic but they held up.
At the fire department I take care of out power equipment, We have 6 MS460 rescue saws, 6 044's, 1 029 and 1 066. Hands down the best saws I have ever held. We have some trouble keeping them clean, as roofing tar gums up the cooling fins...
I personally own 1 Echo 660EVL, 1 Husqvarna 288 XP lite, and 1 Husqvarna 457. The Husky saws cut circles around the Echo, As would a Stihl, but both of those brands run a much higher chain speed than the Echo.
We used Oregon Chain at the rental shop and had no problems with it at all. Rapco makes our chains that we use on the Fire Department saws, but hey are carbide tipped and you would not want that for firewood (unless you are cutting up your house)
If you want high production, and don't care about paying a little more, go with the Stihl or Husky. I would not steer you away from an Echo though, I think they are a good saw, but it will not compete with the other two.. put a good skip tooth chain on it and it will come close.
--- On Fri, 10/17/08, Howard Fleming <hfleming at moosebird.net> wrote:
> From: Howard Fleming <hfleming at moosebird.net>
> Subject: [AT] OT Chainsaw recommendations?
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 8:03 AM
> My current chainsaw, a Homelite Super XL-12 is starting to
> get to the
> point that I probably need to replace it.
> Any suggestions on a good replacement saw that will not
> break the bank?
> Primary use of the saw is for firewood, and I would
> like it to last
> as a long as my current saw.... :o).
> Tractor reference of sorts, I haul the firewood in a 1972
> International
> 1310, and move the firewood at home using a Ford 8N.
> Thanks,
> Howard
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