[AT] Fw: Rev. Charles Stanley Speaking Out.

carl gogol cgogol at twcny.rr.com
Sun Oct 26 15:54:48 PDT 2008

Does anybody know if a small common single wire alternator will fit within 
the sheet metal of a D-14?  I have been waiting for a 12 volt alternator for 
about a month and am tired of waiting.  I only did the generator replacement 
because i did not know the answer to this question and do not want to cut 
the hood to make an alternator fit.
Carl Gogol - Manlius, NY
Tasty grazing in the Oran valley of Central NY
AC D14, 914H
JD 5320 MFWD
Kubota F-2400, B7300HST
Simplicity 7116H 

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