[Farmall] Some ads from the 10/11 Lancaster Farming

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Oct 11 14:34:13 PDT 2008

Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) 
Farming newspaper for 10/11/2008. For the full listing, go to 
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]

For Sale:

Wheel weights for Oliver 60. York Co., 717-432-4798.

Tractor sandblasting and repainting. Allis Chalmers tractors, parts, 
repairs, new and used. Allis WD45 good cond. Lanc. Co. 717-291-9388.
Snow Plow for Ferguson 30 tractor, 3 pt. scoop New Idea #10 corn husker, 
white 5 bottom plow. Lehigh Co. 610-393-6225.

Snap-On tool box top, 2 Ford flathead motors, 1948 John Deere. Call 
after 5:00. Adams Co. 717-334-8664.

Snow blower 42 (2) stage for Cub Cadet tractor, never used, will sell at 
good price. Dauphin Co. 717-944-3611.
International 300 utility tractor 3 point hitch attachment scraper blade 
$1,900. Kent Co. 410-778-6976.
I.H. 2400 (464) loader, P.S. 3 pt., 45hp, nice $4,800. Lilliston 7-1/2 
pull Bush Hog $700. I.H. 8 ft. transport disc $600. All for $6,000. 
Frederick Co. 301-667-4020.

IH 16.9-30 rims TDG head recond. $550. power steering, radiator for 
Farmall 400. Wanted: 16 HP Onan flywheel. Berks Co. 610-641-9581.

IH 2250 QT loader off 574 $1,500; IH 3pt disc 5 ft. $350; 3pt 7 ft. 
blade $300. IH Red cab $500; loader off IH 450 $600. Frederick Co. 

Pedal tractors Farmall M $225 and Farmall Super M $225. Berks Co., 
Parting out MH Pony call with your needs; Power steering unit for Ford 
Jubilee through 4000 $950. Lanc. Co. 717-278-8077.

Payloader - Terex 72-41 4 Cy, DD in ex. condition, enclosed cab, 4yd 
bucket, metal shaper 20 - CTE Vcrr modern, ex. cond. Camb. Co., 
Oliver Super 55 gas, restored, F&R weights $6500/obo. MF 65 diesel runs 
good rough metal $1800. Case D $1200. York Co. 717-292-6292.

Oliver Super 88, 3 point hitch, w/down pressure, PTO, loader w/6 bucket, 
8 back-blade, gas, needs head gasket $2,450. Salem Co. 856-691-0526.

Oliver 66 good running condition and small New Holland gravity wagon. 
Call evenings. Northumberland Co. 570-473-8060.

Oliver 550 gas $5,200. Massey Ferguson 135 gas $5,100. AC-G nice $4,800. 
Owatonna $4,300. Wanted: Millstones. Cumb. Co. 717-776-7788.

Oliver 1850 WFE 5589 hrs., 1800 hrs. since engine overhaul, very good 
condition, $6,500. Adams Co. 717-337-0467.

McFiche reader plus set IH Case NH Ford Plus $300/obo; 900x20 tires 
$20/ea. Perry Co. 717-574-2597.
John Deere MT new tires, new paint. York Co., 717-432-4798.

John Deere 70 gas tractor poiwer sterring also Case 580 CK front end 
loader John Deere 4230 4 post. Fulton Co. 717-294-3712.

John Deere 510C loader backhoe, needs work $2,000. Camb. Co., 814-674-8119.

John Deere 10/10 Crawler Loader, diesel, $3,500. Perry Co. 717-444-3237.

JD 45 loader fits 2 cylinder. Wanted 3 & 4 irrigation pipe. Luzerne Co. 

International Harvester 500 crawler loader 4 by 4/1 bucket, diesel, 
runs, tracks decent, needs steering clutches $3500. Call Rand. Morris 
Co. 973-334-1103.

International 656 diesel, narrow front, 10 speed, with good torque, 3 
pt. good rubber, with 8 ft. Woods mower $4,900. Balto. Co. 410-655-7094.

International 460 utility, loader, good tires, extra parts, manuals, not 
running but was used this summer $1,500. Chester Co., 484-643-2773.

Harley 8 ft. power rake, 3 pt, only one outlet needed, good cond., 
$4,300; M.F. 3 pt. cultivator good cond. $250. Lehigh Co. 610-262-5709. 
[I used to sell those Harley rakes - they do a great job, and the is a 
good price, if it is in good shape.]
Galion motor grader 118. Garrett Co. 301-334-4028.

Factory snow plow for Farmall Super C, good condition with all hardware 
$400. Warren Co., 908-496-4409.

Farmall 460 with 2000 loader with universal fast hatch bucket, WFE new 
RAD., rebuilt gas engine, weak TA. Berks Co., 717-821-2815.
Farmall A tractor with #L59 Woods mower; 3 axle heavy trailer; portable 
electric cement mixer; Pickup hydraulic boom crane. Berks Co. 484-824-5690.

Farmall Cub 1951 same family since new, original tires, 80%, snow plow, 
rear weights, excellent cond. $2850/OBRO. Carroll Co. 410-751-0565.

Farmall H live hyd. loader with snow blade, new paint, new clutch, disc 
$2,950; 3 pt. stone rake $200. Harford Co. 410-877-1658.

Farmall Super C wide front, snow plow, cultivators, runs, needs a little 
work, will spearate $1,500/obo. Warren Co., 908-496-4409.

Farmall Super M restored, 12v, pwer, steering, fenders, weights $3,950. 
NH 467 haybine $1,800. 1987 F250 lifted $2,000. Northton Co., 484-357-9405.

Farmall tractor 1950C new paint, runs nice $1,900, may trade for 8-10 
cords of oak/locust firewood. Montg. Co., 215-257-5691.

Ford 800 series pie weights, $500. 3 pt. buzz saw with pto-pulley 
adaptor $300. Complete Ford snow plow unit $300. Orange Co., NY 

Ford 9N 3pt. drawbar, pto, lights, good rubber, runs good $1,500. Ford 
Select-O-Speed transmission $375. 15x30 rims. Franklin Co. 717-532-5817.

Case 580B backhoe Construction King with cab, buckets & tire in good 
condition, $8,500 or make offer. Lebanon Co. 717-933-2029.

Bison for sale $1.99/lb. hot hanging wt or buy alive. You catch and 
load. Franklin Co. 717-679-3694. [Now THAT would be a challenge!]

Black & Decker valve grinder with coolant tank, good shape, has new 
bearings $175/obo. Lanc. Co. 717-768-8423, ext. 2.

Black & Decker valve grinder; Sioux valve grinder; LeRoi one cylinder 
gas engine; Yates American table saw. Warren Co. 908-475-3330.

Belt pulley for JD L $450. Rear wheel weights for MH pony $125. 6x48 
belt disc sander $85. Bucks Co. 267-371-2208.

Allis Chalmers G new paint, decals, cultivators and front weight. Exc. 
cond. Allis C wide front exc. cond. Lanc. Co. 717-291-9388.

AD G tractor, runs good, cultivators $3,500/obo. Reg. Belgium mare, 20 
yrs, broke the best, kid safe $600/obo. Lanc. Co., 717-786-7448.

AC IB tractor $4,000. Super A snowplow $400. Howard 5 rotorvator $600. 
Bucks Co., 215-598-7546.

AC WD-45 motor overhauled good shape $2,450. Hesston 5580 5x6 round 
baler $2,000. Kuhns GRS 24-T tedder/rake $1,000. Lanc. Co. 717-786-8093 
ext 1.

Ac-C w/calti NF, runs $900/obo. AC-D14 WF, good metal, needs work 
$800/obo. Leb. Co., 717-867-1588.

801 Ford Powermaster 1957 runs good, 3 pto, new tires, front weight. 
Clinton Co. 570-295-0776.

3010 JD wide front, less than 1000 hours on overhaul, fair condition 
$5,000. Berks Co., 717-933-8870.

1936 JD-B full steel unstyled, 1950 Hudson eng 308 cui 7X NASCAR eng 
rare, JD M grille ,12-4-24 tire. Montgomery Co. 215-679-5788.

1945 Farmall H with front end loader, 7-1/2 ft. mower deck, disk and 
spring hare, runs good $3500/firm. Adams Co. 717-359-8267.

1945 JD B w/3pt. runs good, excellent metal, needs paint. Lanc. Co. 

1950 Minn Moline model Z tractor, very good running condition 
$2,500/obo. Sch. Co., 570-648-7055.

1952 John Deere B with factory 3pth; JD #350 sickle bar 3pth mower; JD 
25A 3 ft H flail mower. Berks Co. 610-689-4748.

1965 Ford 4000 4 cyl select 0 speed runs and drives good $2,500. Lanc. 
Co. 717-951-1434.

1979 International 2500A/574 tractor, diesel, hydrostatic, cab, wheel 
weights $3,000. Susq. Co., 570-442-1232.

2-85 White tractor fair cond. no cab or ROP, $3,500. Snyder Co. 

1 Oliver 1650 diesel tractor $2800; 1 Massey Ferguson 1100 tractor 
$6500. 856-451-9943.

02 Pequea 16 deckover trailer with Beavertail, wire mesh ramps, 8000# 
Ramspy winch bumper hitch $375. Road ready. Som. Co., 814-442-8990. 
[Sounds cheap, unless it is just the winch for $375]

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