[AT] Blitz fuel cans

Dave Merchant kosh at ncweb.com
Fri Nov 7 09:12:46 PST 2008

I bought a 5 gal unvented Blitz plastic Diesel can a couple weeks ago,
and proceeded to get sprayed all over with diesel while trying to fill it.
On top of that, it's tall and tippy, hauling it home it fell over in the 
truck bed
and broke the valve lever on the spout.

All the clothes I was wearing were either thrown away or are going to the 
dry cleaner.

Without a vent, it pours really slow too.

Dave Merchant

At 10:32 AM 11/7/2008, you wrote:
>I agree the new Blitz fuel cans suck.
>Many states have a requirement that only CARB cans can be sold in that 
>state. This is to combat all the *&*^%$ lawn service people that you see 
>with open gas cans on thier trucks.
>Nearly 100% of the gas cans used by the lawn service people in Houston are 
>missing the cap.
>So they decided to punish all of us by making it a requirment that all gas 
>cans sold have a self closing gas cap. That means you can purchase a $50+ 
>metal gas can or one of the plastic BLITZ cans. It seems no one else is 
>making the plastic cans.
>If you read the instructions they say
>you should NEVER invert the spout inside the can. The cover is a dust 
>cover and you should throw it away,
>You cannot use the can to fill an on the road vehical unless you use a 
>A Special funnel is abaliable but Walmart and most of the auto parts do 
>not stock the funnel.
>My first experiance with the new cans is when I ran out of gas. I walked 
>to Walmart and purchased a can. I walked to a gas station and filled it. I 
>then walked to my truck and proceeded to take a Gasoline bath filling the 
>truck. I did not read the instructions.
>I had made the following mistakes.
>I did not have a funnel
>I had inverted the nozzle just like I have been doing for the last 20 years.
>I did not read the &&^$% instructions.
>About a month later the fancy self closing spout split so it would not 
>seal at all. This realy pissed me off so I emailed BLITZ and gave them a 
>piece of mind. I told them I was digging all my used Grease Cans out of 
>the dump and reburshing them for use as gas cans because I could not 
>purchase a functional gas can any more. I made a comment about their 
>design and the **^%% Goverment requlations. I predicted that the first 
>Hurricane evacuation that any number of people would catch fire trying to 
>use their *&^% Gas cans.
>There response was to send me a new Nozzle and two funnels and point me to 
>the instructions on the can.
>I still use the can. It still is a piece of crap. It prompted me to set up 
>a steel flammible liquid cabinet away from my building. I sore all my gas 
>cans in that cabinet. Mainly I do not trust the &*&%^$% new gas cans not 
>to vent gas and cause a fire.
>--- On Thu, 11/6/08, Bill Boyd <billstractors at verizon.net> wrote:
>From: Bill Boyd <billstractors at verizon.net>
>Subject: Re: [AT] Fuel cans and dispensing - ideas requested
>To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 10:30 PM
>I use a 6 gal plastic fuel can.
>I used to use a funnel but always managed to spill some.
>I now use this:
>If link doesn't work just search for fuel siphon on ebay.
>Bill in NETX
>At 06:50 PM 11/4/2008, you wrote:
> >Now that fuel prices are less unaffordable, am just wondering what others
> >are doing for fueling their tractors?  I have been using 5 gallon military
> >surplus cans, but the flexible nozzles are slow and generally leak a little
> >to a lot.  Using a big funnel is ok for the smaller tractors, but still
> >the full can out at 2/3 of an arm's length.  Hefting the can while
> >on the drawbar and lift arms of the big tractor is even more of a
> >problematic task at my tender age, and probably an impossibility 5 or 10
> >years down the road.  I don't use enough fuel to justify even a 55
> >drum of diesel and I doubt a truck would stop to fill that for me - would
> >they?  I use maybe 60 - 80 gallons a year of diesel, and don't want it
> >set for nearly a year.   Any good ideas for say a 5 - 15 gallon container
> >and possibly a pump that is not hundreds of dollars?  Something that can be
> >hefted in and out of an SUV by one person.
> >Lets approach this as an exercise in cheapness.
> >Carl Gogol - Manlius, NY
> >Tasty grazing in the Oran valley of Central NY
> >AC D14, 914H
> >JD 5320 MFWD
> >Kubota F-2400, B7300HST
> >Simplicity 7116H
> >
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Dave Merchant
kosh at nesys.com
nesys_com at ameritech.net
dmerchant at layerzero.com

YouTube: SteamCrane

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