[Farmall] correct police--decals

Ferg8n9n at aol.com Ferg8n9n at aol.com
Tue Mar 25 10:26:59 PDT 2008

i drove tractors in the 50s, and my recollection is the pto decal was  normal 
and near the shaft.. I think on some earlier tractors is was not used.  The 
best resource is early advertising photos.
In a message dated 3/19/2008 6:03:02 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
mikesloane at verizon.net writes:

My  understanding is that the PTO warning labels were added after the 
tractors  came in for service or repainting. They were not on the 
tractors when they  left the factory.


John Hall wrote:
>  I was  checking some reference books I have for decal placement on a Cub 
>  noticed quite a few variables during the production. Is anyone making 
>  correct sets for the letter series Farmalls? I recently installed a set 
> Maple-Hunter and we never could figure out where the PTO warning  decal 
> should go. I can't help but wonder is it a generic decal. There  were a few 
> more I spotted in the books that were not in my set, again  it apparently 
> depends on serial #.  A basic set will serve our  needs as this is a work 
> tractor that will be covered in grass  clippings in about a month.
> John Hall 

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