[AT] Best Show On Tracks report

Richard Walker richardwalker at pobox.com
Tue Jun 24 07:29:11 PDT 2008

The Best Show On Tracks event in Woodland, CA last weekend was the 
show of a lifetime - literally unique.

I attended for four long days and walked my feet off.  There were 
just so many different things going on to see, spread out over 150 acres:


I have been playing catch-up with life since returning home and so 
far have had little spare time to sort through the over 1,000 photos 
I shot.  Will post a link to them in a week or two when I get that job done.

The show was documented by professional photographers.  A huge number 
of their photos, categorized by day, can be viewed at:


Probably not coincidentally :-), one can buy prints of any of these 
photos.  But at least the viewing is free, and gives you a good 
feeling of what the show was like.

When Tom Madden, the Cat collector who was one of the main driving 
forces behind the show, was asked when we could enjoy a repeat, he 
reportedly replied "No way, once is enough!"  The huge scope of the 
event, the careful planning of every detail, the complexities of 
organization, and the enthusiastic support of the many volunteers and 
participants who sacrificed time and their own money to make it what 
it was makes it impossible to repeat.

Former list member Don Bowen joined me for Saturday and Sunday and we 
trekked around like kids in a toy store.  When the sun got too brutal 
at midday, we enjoyed some welcome shade and conversation at George 
and Kathy Best's Western Antique Iron Trader booth.


Don's accounts of the event will be showing up on his Journal - he'll 
be adding more each day:



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