[AT] Best Show on Tracks - Woodland, CA June 20, 21, 22

Richard Walker richardwalker at pobox.com
Tue Jun 10 07:21:26 PDT 2008

I wanted to remind the list that a major Caterpillar show is 
happening June 20, 21 and 22 in Woodland, CA on the ranch of Daniel 
Best, grandson of Caterpillar co-founder C.L. Best.


Quoted from one of the organizers:  "At least one of each of the 
following and multiples of most: Holt 120, Stockton 75 both early and 
late, Peoria 75, 60, 45, tiller wheel 25-40, 30, midget, 10 Ton, 
Peoria and Stockton 5 Ton, experimental (earlier than the 5 Tons), 2 
ton and most of a 2 1/2 ton military. Add to this the Holt steam 
crawler, harvesters etc and Holt will be well represented."

"On the Best side one of each of the following and multiples of most: 
Best 110 steamer, Best 75, 60 (at least 1 of each of the 5 major 
variations of the 60), 40, 30, 30 orchard tractor, 25 and 3 Daniel 
Best gas engines dating from the late 1880's into the early 1890's. 
Add to this the only Best harvester known . . ."

The show is not just limited to vintage Cats and crawlers, but 
includes all makes of antique tractors, old farming equipment, and 
vintage construction machinery.  Displays, parades, ongoing working 
demonstrations of dirtwork and bygone farming practices, plus many 
other things.

Seven-hour drive north for me (ouch, $4.40 a gallon here yesterday in 
CA), but I'm planning to be there.  We literally may never again have 
the opportunity to see so many of the rare old Cats together in one spot.


Richard & Judy Walker
Monrovia, CA

richardwalker @ pobox.com
judywalker @ pobox.com
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