[AT] tractor and engine shows

Indiana Robinson robinson at svs.net
Tue Jul 29 17:43:59 PDT 2008

Don Bowen wrote:
> I am in need of a local tractor or engine show fix.  Are there any shows that anyone knows of in the Ozarks of Missouri?  
> I heard of a show just east of Ava, MO that is a small affair put on by a local wheelwright sometime in August.  I was told that they have a draft horse show along with Civil war reenactors.
> Anyone want to help a tractor show junkie feed his habit?
> Don Bowen      KI6DIU
> http://www.braingarage.com/Dons/Travels/journal/Journal.html


	Hi Don:

	I can't do you any good in MO but this might be a good time to mention 
that Diana just mentioned today that she believes that August 1 is the 
date of the Rush County IN show. They have been in one place for a very 
long time but I understand that this is the first show at their new 
grounds. They had always been renting space at the local conservation 
club which owns the old original Rush County fair grounds. It has always 
been a nice show.



I wouldn't mind being absent minded so bad if forgetfulness
could just be a little more selective. Just last week I
was saying so to "whats-her-name..."

Hay & Straw Exchange (Buy it, sell it and trade it.)

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
robinson at svs.net

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