[AT] Help with Radiator Leak, Please?

rdhaskell at juno.com rdhaskell at juno.com
Thu Jan 24 10:46:34 PST 2008

 Hi John.
The first thought that comes to mind is to mix up some epoxy, put it is a
syringe and inject it in the hole with the radiator laying flat.  Put in
enough to migrate both ways in the tube.

Ron Haskell
rdhaskell at juno.com
Riverside, California

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 10:02:54 -0800 John Valdez <johnvaldez at shaw.ca>
> I am looking for a good and cheap fix on an old radiator. I don't 
> think I can use "good" and "cheap" in the same sentence, but here is 
> my question.
> At some point in history, someone has shot a pellet gun at the 
> radiator.  The pellet is still visible in the cooling tube.  The 
> radiator leaks at this hole.
> I read somewhere that to repair a radiator, a person purchased a 
> special clip that fit over the tube and was soldered into place.  I 
> may have found this information in an old equipment manual.
> The most commonly used method of repair that I have seen is to break 
> away the cooling fins between the tubes around the hole and just 
> solder up the hole.  While this might be very functional, I have not 
> been impressed with the looks of the completed work.
> Now, here is the question -- Does anyone here have any suggestions 
> that I might try to make a near "Invisible" repair to the radiator?
> This may be off topic, for which I apologize.
> Wayne
> Vancouver Island, BC

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