[AT] Neat jack idea
Ronald L. Cook
rlcook at pionet.net
Sun Jan 13 09:32:01 PST 2008
Well, farmer,
You pretty much stated my real opposition to using a handi-man jack. I
consider them a "not very good and quite dangerous" piece of equipment.
I do own a couple. Hardly ever use them.
Scott was very fortunate in his misfortune.
Ron Cook
Salix, IA
Francis Robinson wrote:
> I am assuming that by "Handiman" jack you mean one of those giant bumper
> jacks with a sort of "I" beam post with a row of holes up the post and pins
> moving in and out to operate it. I have one of those and I do use it
> regularly but I also consider it to be one of the most dangerous tools on
> the farm... I tend to use it too often because it is "handi" :-) but in
> most cases there is usually a better way. I place and use it with a level
> of caution that I would otherwise reserve for setting a dynamite charge or
> telling my wife how much I spent at an auction sale...
> Son Scott could have easily lost his life with it when a pin didn't drop
> in as deep as it should have and the lift slipped after he had already let
> go of the handle. The handle suddenly and without warning came flying up
> with a huge force due the the heavy load on the jack and smacked him
> viciously in the side of the head as he was raising back up from having
> leaned over to push the handle down. The second pin had engaged OK and it
> held the load fine but Scott was on the ground trying to wake up...
> I wouldn't say don't use one but do not turn your back on it. They can be
> sneaky and evil... I'd rather trust a used car salesman...
> --
> "farmer"
> Francis Robinson
> Central Indiana, USA
> Robinson at svs.net
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