[AJD] Crafty Ebay Scam

Chris C jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 14:28:51 PST 2008

   I was bidding on Ebay Item 140194945365.  Now that
it has ended I will post what has been happening
during the auction.

   After I was outbid yesterday afternoon,  I received
an e-mail that was phised to look like it came through
Ebay offering me two of the same thing,  the first one
for $150 and two for $250 if I wanted both.  Now I
happen to know the seller on this item,  So I am
certain if it was legitimate it would have come from
his e-mail and not a phised one.  Now to mention the
offer came to am e-mail account (this one) that has
nothing to do with my Ebay ID.  (jdnutinwa is me,  but
it uses another e-mail for ebay)

    So I forwared it to spoof at ebay.com and sure enough
they deny any relation to it.  So today, as soon as
the item ended,  I get another e-mail phised to look
like an offer through Ebay to buy one or two of the
same items listing a link to the item # I had been
bidding on.  

   Spencer and Dean forgive me for posting to both
lists at once,  but this is the most clever ebay
spoofing I have seen in quite a while.  Had I not
known the seller or had it come to my regular Ebay
email address I probably would have bit.  I also would
have bid higher and tried harder to win the item had
something not been fishy...


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