[AT] quiet list

Francis Robinson robinson at svs.net
Thu Feb 21 08:23:11 PST 2008

--On Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:10 AM -0500 soffiler at ct.metrocast.net 

> ----- Original Message Follows -----
> From: Carl Tatlock <carllary at gmavt.net>
> Subject: [AT] quiet list
> Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:57:45 -0500
>> ... Is ethanol a really
>> good idea? it seems more of a feel-good solution to  the
>> problem than a real answer to oil problem.  Lower price at
>> pumps,  but in return lower gas mileage seems to be the
>> case?
>> I expect that pro-ethanol people can shed  some light on
>> the subject;   I am always willing to learn.
> Hi Carl:
> I'm not pro-ethanol, and I am always looking to learn more
> too.
> My understanding is that corn subsidies have made it quite
> profitable to grow corn, to the point that soybeans and
> wheat are now going over to corn instead, creating a glut of
> corn and a shortage of soy and wheat.  That might be part of
> the underlying reason for the higher flour pricing (but
> surely there's a lot more going on and I don't have all the
> facts).
> Ethanol only has about 60% of the energy content of
> gasoline, so, clearly you burn a lot more of it in a
> vehicle.  The anti-ethanol people claim it takes more energy
> to grow, process, and distribute ethanol than you get back
> when you burn it.  The pro-ethanol people have a set of
> numbers that makes it look better.  It's all in the
> assumptions, but I doubt either one of those groups is plain
> flat wrong.
> Best regards,
> Steve O.

	I saw a report this week of the market in Minneapolis closing one day with 
wheat at over $15 a bushel... Never did that when I was still grain 
farming.   :-)


Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
Robinson at svs.net

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