[AT] Farmall to the fields
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Mon Feb 11 04:46:25 PST 2008
Grant, I think that is a fair price for a 100 with all that you got with
it. I expect it would go for more than that here in eastern NC for to
someone who just wanted to tend a garden.
I don't know the differences between the 100 engine and the 140 engine but I
think the 140 turned a few hundred more rpms. The 140 I drove as a kid was
FAST in road gear. Probably 5 or 6 mph faster than a Super A.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Grant Brians" <gbrians at hollinet.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 12:42 AM
Subject: [AT] Farmall to the fields
> Well, folks, I just bought another tractor for my farming operation. This
> is
> Farmall 100 #3. Well, I should clarify that statement. We have one working
> Farmall 100 that is used as a pipe rack / vegetable hauling tractor - it
> has
> a platform on it that allows these two activities that was fabricated by a
> local guy about 6 or 7 years ago. We also have a parts tractor that has
> been
> missing a few parts for a while now....
> This "new" Farmall 100 has a rattle-can paintjob. It also has front and
> rear hydraulically operated cultivating bars that are JUST wide enough to
> cover the full bed on our 60" beds along with the shovel and the inboard
> side of the furrow knives. We have been needing a way to get our precision
> cultivating done on all of the ranches in the vegetables and this should
> work fine. The tractor even came with two pairs of the precision discs!
> All
> this with a good used porta-potty on a trailer for 2 grand delivered.This
> seems reasonable to me, given that the tractor seems a good runner.
> Does this sound like a resonable price in other parts of the country?
> I'm curious. Also, Are others finding that there are a lot of people the
> last two years who have gone out of the farming business? The fellow I
> bought this from did and I'm buying his irrigation pipe too - we have to
> irrigate here for vegetables and nearly everything else.
> I'm curious to ask the other vegetable farmers on the list (I'm
> including Farmer Robinson with his Pumpkins and Melons in this one), are
> you
> using more drip irrigation and row covering? We are doing both.
> Also, are other vegetable people than me expanding? I am having better
> sales this January/February than in a number of years and am leasing
> another
> 20 or so acres this spring.
> Grant Brians
> Hollister California
> p.s. I'll be at the Tulare World Ag Expo this week along with Richard
> Walker
> and Don Bowen. My time there will be a high pitched rapid fire checkut of
> all of the things that I might be looking at in the next year or two in
> used/new equipment.......
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