[AJD] ebay # 280197269334 - great job on TC

kreig astroguy at nas.com
Sat Feb 2 16:18:56 PST 2008


You and your staff are a doing a great job!!  No need to waste your efforts 
on a dissenter!!

One always has to ask themselves;  "What have I done to improve the hobby?" 
I wont mention my small efforts but I do know there are more happy TC and NG 
collectors than unhappy ones.

Keeep up the good work.  Kreig

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J.R. Hobbs" <jrhobbs2004 at yahoo.com>
To: "JD List" <antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 3:27 PM
Subject: [AJD] Fwd: Re: [JDAT] Re: ebay # 280197269334

>  Frank,
>  If you knew anything about the economics of the publishing business, 
> you'd know that what you propose simply isn't possible. The rest of this 
> year will be far more TC than NG, but there will be some NG this, and will 
> be for the foreseeable future. You have to realize that people like Jack 
> and myself, no matter what our personal preferences might be, have to try 
> to please over 18K subscribers per issue, which simply isn't possible.
>  As for the cover photo, I thought it was great, no matter who it was 
> taken for. But everybody likes different stuff. We get people who are 
> PO'ed we won't put a photo of their chrome-plated butchered-up pulling 
> tractor on the cover (not gonna happen, EVER) ,so it's a no-win situation.
>  I'm sorry, I don't think we're out of balance. How many more times would 
> you like us to go over every fact and re-run (for the 4th or 5th time) 
> every photo we have on, say, early Model "D" Tractors?  There's no 
> interest in them. We've not had a spoker D at Expo for 3 years!!  If we 
> covered what's popular right now, it would be "20" and "30" Series 
> tractors. I think you'd get sick of those in short orderl
>  I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I hope that someday you'll see that 
> we're doing what we think is necessary for the hobby to continue. Jack is 
> 65, I'm 55, disabled, with a possibly terminal illness, and there's nobody 
> coming up to take our places.We're trying to recruit people and getting 
> nowhere, because you have to devote your life to this, and young people 
> don't want to do that. What's gonna happen when Jack says "Enough", or if 
> I die?  If we don't get this info out while we're alive, it may never get 
> out at all. Chew on that for a while.
>  JR
> Frank <gremaux at midrivers.com> wrote:
> JR
> still think you should put NG in their own mag.......then you will say put
> implements in one too........
> I am only interested in two cylinder and don't read about NG.......I do
> agree with you that there is a place just don't think it is this
> mag........I also agree that it is a tractor that is becoming collectable
> but.......
> The picture is a great picture and I imagine Mr Cherry was proud of it as
> his son and future family should be....
> could be some sort of balance in your mag but ...........
> Frank
> gremaux at midrivers.com
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