[AJD] ebay # 280197269334

Frank gremaux at midrivers.com
Sat Feb 2 12:35:55 PST 2008


still think you should put NG in their own mag.......then you will say put 
implements in one too........
I am only interested in two cylinder and don't read about NG.......I do 
agree with you that there is a place just don't think it is this 
mag........I also agree that it is a tractor that is becoming collectable 

The picture is a great picture and I imagine Mr Cherry was proud of it as 
his son and future family should be....

could be some sort of balance in your mag but ...........

gremaux at midrivers.com
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J.R. Hobbs" <jrhobbs2004 at yahoo.com>
To: "Antique John Deere mailing list" 
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [AJD] ebay # 280197269334

> Yes, and "balance" is the operative word. As the collecting community 
> "grays", loses interest, or simply passes away, if the hobby as a whole is 
> going to survive, then  the NG tractors and the people who love and 
> collect them, have to be embraced by the hobby. I realize that a few who 
> consider that tantamount to treason,but it must be done. And, if treated 
> decently, I think we'll find that many of the NG collectors will 
> development an interest in two-cylinder tractors, and it will be a win-win 
> situation. We've had a few who've thrown temper tantrums, demanded their 
> money back, etc,but by an large, it's been pretty well accepted. One guy 
> was convinced that we'd been forced into doing this last issue by a cadres 
> of NG enthusiasts. There will be NG info in the magazine in the future, 
> but it was simply time to let the NG enthusiasts have the same information 
> that we've had about two-cylinder tractors for decadesl
>  JR
> "Rev. Gerber" <drgerber at fuse.net> wrote:
>  J.R.: So long as one reads through the introduction, which explained
> the need to include the New Generation production number information in
> one overview, which would take many pages, and the next issue would be
> returning to the older two cylinder topics, I thought it was fine.
> Those of us in the hobby who focus on the two cylinder tractors have
> constant opportunities to bump into New Generation tractors, as well as
> gain an implement to be pulled by one of the two cylinder tractors, and
> the New Generation information is of great value. If I bumped into a
> real clean, mechanically sound NG tractor at a great price, it helps to
> have the production number info to know if it is a good purchase.
> However, I am glad to know the following issues will return to the more
> traditional balance.
> Rev. Dr. David R. Gerber
> Mt. Airy United Methodist Church
> 2645 North Bend Rd.
> Cincinnati, OH 45239
> Phone: 513-541-0307
> FAX: 513-541-2575
> -----Original Message-----
> From: antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf
> Of J.R. Hobbs
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 10:50 PM
> To: Antique John Deere mailing list
> Subject: Re: [AJD] ebay # 280197269334
> Not trying to be blunt, but whoever wrote the ad copy for that "D" is
> full of it. For one thing,there weren't any "correct" style of tires in
> 1930, because those type of rear ( and front for that matter) tires
> simply weren't available in 1930, period. Model "D" Tractors didn't get
> the rubber tire option until 1933, and very few were built, it wasn't
> until 1934-1935 that there was any significant sales of rubber on the
> "D"s, and in my opinion, this wheel equipment belongs of one of those
> year tractors, not this tractor. Yes, I know that retrofits were
> available, but still....... It's called hype, fellas, and unfortunately,
> there's getting to be entirely too much of it in this hobby.
> While we're talking about unpopular subjects, how many of you guys
> popped a vein or had to take a blood pressure pill when you saw the
> cover and contents of the January-February issue of Two-Cylinder? We've
> taken quite a bit of heat from a few people, and I'd would like to know
> what our friends here think. It's the last NG feature for 2008, and some
> really neat two-cylinder stuff is in the works already for the rest of
> the year.
> Gary Epps wrote:
> This is a good looking D John Deere, but I wonder at the comment in
> the
> description that it has the "correct style tires". What do you think?
> While there is not a good pic of the sidewalls of the rear tires, they
> don't look right to me. Also, isn't a 14.9 tire a size smaller than the
> two recommended tires? I think the recommended tires current sizes
> should be 16.9 or 18.4. Am I missing something here?
> Gary
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