[AT] Trailers
charlie hill
chill8 at suddenlink.net
Sat Feb 2 10:06:31 PST 2008
You'll get no arguement from me Ron. I agree. A lot of laws and regulations
that make it hard for the guys doing it right and do nothing to stop those
doing it wrong.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald L. Cook" <rlcook at pionet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Trailers
> Charlie,
> Here in Iowa I had a chauffeur's license issued as soon as I was old
> enough. 17, I think it was or maybe 18. I have been operating a truck
> one way or another since I was 10. 54 years ago. When the CDL came
> into being, I had to change over to that license as I operate for
> COMMERCIAL purposes. My first CDL certificate looked much as the old
> chauffeur's license did with the exception of the listing of
> qualifications. Tractor trailer, double triple, Hazmat, air brakes,
> etc. I took all the tests with the exception of bus. Seems like a long
> time ago. I understood the reason behind the CDL was to stop the
> multi-state licenses that so many over the road drivers were holding due
> to DWI and speeding convictions. Maybe--maybe not. I have never had an
> officer of the law ask to see my CDL. Scale tickets, yes. Shipping
> papers, yes. CDL--nope. Go figure.
> I do get upset when I hear of these "private operations" hauling
> tractors complaining of regulations when I know damned good and well it
> really is a for hire operation. Probably because I have had to spend all
> the money and jump through all the hoops. Its the same in the flying
> business, too.
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
> charlie hill wrote:
>> Ron, I used to be a truck driver a long time ago and before the CDL law.
>> I
>> have maintained a class A license ever since I drove a school bus in high
>> school, through my years as a truck driver and I still have it but I
>> never
>> upgraded it to the CDL. The funny thing about it is that (at least in
>> NC)
>> the license looks identical to a CDL. The only difference is that the CDL
>> license has the endorsements listed on the back side of the license. The
>> front is the same. I've even had a veteran highway patrol sargent look
>> at
>> my license and ask me if I was a truck driver.
>> Charlie
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