[AT] Quiet list(now dialup)
Ralph Goff
alfg at sasktel.net
Thu Feb 21 10:25:00 PST 2008
----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis Robinson" <robinson at svs.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Quiet list
>> errr... you're still on dialup? With all those different
>> lists you manage? Sounds painful.
> The board looks good if you have high-speed but too many pages on dial-up.
> They have DSL over on the next road and keep promising it here but it
> hasn't happened yet. Son Scott went with a dish thingy (Wild Blue?) but is
> unhappy with it. Cost about $50 a month but is unstable and he says that
> an
> inch of snow bombs it out. Another neighbor went with Verizon wireless
> (4G?) Which cost him about $60 a month and he is very happy with it. I
> guess I will bite the bullet and try that.
> "farmer"
The new discussion board works fine on my dial up at 38.6k most of the time.
The only time it is a bit slow is if someone posts a huge picture or several
of them at once. Then it takes a bit but stiill not bad. All the pictures I
post are done through dial up which is why I keep them a reasonable size.
About the biggest limitatiions I have are for video. Youtube video links are
usually wasted on my as it does take what seems like forever to transfer
video. I did spend an hour and a half uploading a few seconds of video a
while back. Waay too slow to do much more of that.
High speed is available here as I am in sight of the new sasktel tower but
the initial cost of the equipment plus $55 a month is a bit much for me to
justify right now.
Ralph in Sask.
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