[Farmall] Some ads from the 2/2 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Feb 2 14:57:39 PST 2008
Happy Groundhog Day. Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 2/2/2008. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Year Book Collection, 500 high school & college books, most are Pa. but
others across the U.S. $1,500. for all. Cumberland Co. 717-763-8194.
[Why would anyone...]
Spark plug wire sets fits 4, 6, 8 cyl engines, 125 boxed sets top
quality all brand new $150. Lanc. Co., 908-752-1936.
Reading beer Old Gus fat man holding keg, ceramic 12'' tall, Old Reading
beer on keg. York Co. 717-292-3484. [For the man who has everything]
Oliver 70 standard or 70 industrial sheet metal . 68 parts tractor
reasonable price. Cumb. Co., 717-776-5972 evenings.
Loader Freeman 4000 fits Ford 4000 large front end bucket $1,900 or make
offer. Berks Co., 717-821-0327.
MF TO 35, Myers snow plow, Bush Hog, rear blade, carry all boom potato
plow, dirt scoop rear platform, sold as package. Berks Co. 610-582-1023.
John Deere parts: 2/2 tractor + 1950's (D) hoods & fenders, rear differ.
Cadet. Berks Co., 610-756-6078.
John Deere GP 1929 older restoration, steel wheels, all is correct
$5,800/obo. Also many GP parts. Monroe Co., 203-261-8855.
John Deere 70 gas Case 580 front end loader. Also, Breed Black Angus
Cows due March April. Fulton Co. 717-294-3712.
John Deere 70 propane restored original paint, Minneapolis U tractor.
JDA project tractor some new parts, complete. Carroll Co., 410-756-4060,
John Deere A, B, and 50 for sale, will make deal on all for one money.
Lanc. Co., 717-278-2393.
John Deere 400, new paint & decals, 60'' mower deck, 600D, running
cond., $1,900. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
JD A 1944 new parts, new professional paint job, runs great, ready for
show $6,500/neg. Lanc. Co., 717-629-6733. [I usually don't post items
that are listed for more than $5000, but I guess prices are going up,
and I will have to set a new upward limit...]
Int. 606 gas tractor, WF, 3-pt, 540, pto, remotes, recent paint, good
rubber, runs good, P.S., $3,600. Adams Co. 717-528-8398.
Int'l ID 6 tractor, not currently running but loose, needs back rim and
tires, $2000 OBO. Clinton Co. 570-367-1349.
Int'l Cub Cadet #102, 10 hp, 3 spd. with reverse, 42'' cutting deck,
comes with snow plow and yard cart, $650. Berks Co. 215-541-2279.
IH 340 loader, P5 82'' bucket, two pt. torke, works, runs good, wheel
weights, $3,400. Berks Co. 610-689-5779 after 5 p.m.
IH 444 diesel tractor with 1501 IH loader bucket & forks, $5,750; 1995
Dodge 3500 4 WD, cummins, $8,500.Hedgesville WV 304-754-7615.
H Farmall with wide front, runs good, also 801 D diesel Ford on steel
$2,000/ea or best offer. Snyder Co., 570-837-3805.
Ford 8N with loader, strong runner, new tires, good metal, $2,200.
Carroll Co. 410-756-6146 between 6 & 8:30 p.m.
Ford 8N tire chains, snow blade, good rubber, runs good, best offer.
Also we buy old toys. Lanc. Co., 717-786-2239.
Ford 2000 7.3 eng. $1,000. AC HD6 Dozer w/cargo winch $4,800. 2000 Ford
dually pkup bed $800. AC HD11 dozer w/winch $6,000. Cecil Co. 410-688-3939.
Farmall M FBK286458x1, 12v, looks nice, runs good $2,400. 6hp chipper
$80. Drum dolly $30. Berks Co., 610-721-0324.
Farmall M 1950 original 6 volt 85% rear tires w/weights tricycle, good
tight tractor, no smoke, 2nd owner $1,900 takes it. Berks Co., 484-256-0298.
Farmall H parts, 550 Oliver Super 77 diesel parts, 650, 500 gallon fuel
tank with elec. pump, $1,000. Berks Co. 610-488-8696.
Farmall Cub Snow Plow, sandblasted, primed, painted, exc. cond., asking
$275. Bucks Co. 215-355-8692.
Farmall F-12, runs & used, recent restoration, both steel & rubber
wheels, $1,195. Perry Co. 717-582-3104.
Farmall H or M Org. fenders & cultavor. Juniata Co., 717-535-5797.
Farmall BN complete, not running, $800. Massey Ferguson 230 diesel with
loader, 1700 hrs., always inside, nice, $6,800. OBO. Lanc. Co. 717-529-5630.
Farmall 460 gas motor, runs good $995. other 460 parts. John Deere
Grappler to fit 541, 542 loaders, like new. Sullivan Co. 570-924-3757.
Cub 154 Lowboy, 60'' Woods mower deck, wide turf tires, 600D, running
cond., $2,200. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Cletrac bulldozer, complete $1,200. MF85 diesel, runs needs work, Farmal
H parts or restore $500. Adams Co., 717-487-3763 or 717-359-4548.
Antique IH 350 tractor real nice. Fast hitch scraper blade $175, can't
bag. Wooden 14' gate $40. Lanc. Co., 717-786-9070.
Antique floor model radio at water kent - works $85. 1962 Buick 4 deeor
sedan original - low miles. Make offer. York Co., 717-755-4797.
AC (B) wide front, new tires, fixer upper $500. NH 499 hydro swing
haybine, 12 ft, cut, nice $3,500. Fred. Co., 301-898-5048.
1952 Super M", 1948 M", 1958 130":, 24' elevator, 5' Bush Hog, 11' wheel
disk, 1R. Transplanter, 3 (16) plow, 1,000 lb. scale, irrigation pumps,
A-V cultivators, parts. Salem Co., 856-358-8625.
1954 JD 60 standard WF power trol, original tractor, never painted, exe.
tin, $6,300/obo. Suburban for parts. Bucks Co., 215-257-5738.
1953 NAA Ford Golden Jubilee, High/Low Trans., sound tractor, shed kept,
90% tire tread, $3,700. Lanc. Co. 717-656-9357.
1939 JD B shows ready $3,700. 880 Trac-Vac with manual, like new $1,500.
20 ton trailer ramps, new, BO. Chester Co., 610-486-6254.
1939 styled John Deere B''. New rear wheels & tires, runs strong, $3,000
obo. Berks Co. 267-446-7302, Dave.
1943 Farmall H restored with Woods belly mower, IHC loader, garage kept,
VG condition, runs good $3,200 FIRM. Berks Co., 610-369-7928.
1030 Case tractor, works great, on steel, 100 H.P., 1000 RPM, $2,900.
Lanc. Co. 717-786-1920.
(2) H IH tractor for parts or restore $600. O.B.O. Leave message.
Monmouth Co. 732-684-0655.
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