[AT] OT McCullogh chain saw parts

charliehill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Tue Dec 30 17:46:56 PST 2008

Steve.  It is a left hand start (fan side).  I don't think my cap has any 
kind of logo on it.  The hand grip part of the cap is square with rounded 
corners.  The threaded part is about 1 1/4" diameter.  It screws in but only 
about a half turn.  I've never had a problem with it being loose.

It's strange how the thing disappeared.  I was cleaning and adjusting the 
bar, chain, sprocket, etc.  I had the saw lying on it's side (both sides at 
one time or another) and on it's top with the gas tank upside down.  I don't 
remember removing the cap.  I didn't spill any gas on the tailgate.  I put 
it all back together without going anywhere or taking a break.  Cranked the 
saw and walked about 30 feet over clean sand to where there was a dogwood 
log lying in some leaves.  I stared sawing it up.  Just as I was finishing 
the saw started idling down like it should which surprised me as it has been 
idling a bit high lately.  Then while it was idling it cut off.  I looked 
and the gas cap was gone and the tank was nearly but not completely dry.  It 
makes me think the cap fell off right there but I've searched on my hands 
and knees the whole area where I was cutting and the path from the truck to 
where I was cutting.  I even raked through the leaves both with a rake and 
with my hands.  With the rake I hit several things that were hard but all 
turned out to be pieces of wood.

Very strange.  Thanks for the link.  Jason posted it a few minutes ahead of 
you.  don't know why I didn't find it as much as I've searched the web 
looking for the part.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve W." <falcon at telenet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT McCullogh chain saw parts

> charliehill wrote:
>> Does anyone happen to have a junked out McCulloch ProMac 10-10A laying
>> around that would part with the gas cap?  Mine magically disappeared 
>> today.
>> I'm thinking my neighbors dog might be the culprit.  You can't buy parts 
>> for
>> them any longer but this saw is just like brand new.  I hate for a gas 
>> cap
>> to put it out to pasture.
>> If you have one you'd part with or know of a parts source (I've tried or 
>> in
>> the process of trying all sources I know about) I'd appreciate it.
>> Charlie
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> Is this the cap that screws into a hole on the top and has a funky M
> molded into it? Also which side is the starter on, Fan side or clutch
> side? They are different.
> http://snipurl.com/9a76p
> Has the parts list and an engine manual FREE!
> -- 
> Steve W.
> Near Cooperstown, New York
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