[AT] Fuel prices: Now Portland

Paul Waugh pwaugh at embarqmail.com
Mon Dec 8 14:00:48 PST 2008

I will probably ramble bit here.  I like the tractor list much better than 
engine list. But I take engines to Portland, because, they are easier to 
haul, and they are in ATIS group. I wonder why engines stay together but 
tractors don't. Certainly some farms bring 10-12 tractors and they are in a 
group. We now have 2 tractors that would fit, 1956 JD 420 and 1953 Ford 
Jubilee.  There is not a darn thing fancy about them, We use them, Period, 
But enjoy meeting people and talking old tractors.  I have camped with 
tractors guys last couple of times, they are the friendliest people as a 
group I have ever met, not necessarily so with other group I know.

I feel bad, living 100 mi away, that I do not make their work days. What can 
a 69 yr old that can't walk far do to help ... not much I think, so I have 
stayed away.  I am not sure what next summer will bring, for my wife has 
health problems right now, BUT if some one does not mind a couple of old 
ugly tractors being in the group, I will try and find a trailer big enough 
to haul both to Portland.

Thanks for listening, and thanks Gene for all you do.

Paul Waugh - IN
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Indiana Robinson" <robinson46176 at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Fuel prices

> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Gene Dotson <gdotsly at watchtv.net> wrote:
>>    Farmer;
>>    I have printed your remarks and will see that copies are delivered to
>> the proper directors this Saturday night. You will be there won't you???
>>                Gene
> ==================================
> Don't get me wrong, they do an awful lot right. Its just that lately I
> keep getting a feeling from some that that they think that we are
> getting special favors that are of benefit only to us when I think the
> previous arrangements of a central ATIS tractor location was of mutual
> benefit. The last time I took several tractors, the MM sheller and a
> buzz saw we sort of got flooded out by huge rains and were unable to
> put on a good show but had it been better weather we might have
> entertained a lot of people. When we set up at Conner Prairie living
> history museum each fall we draw quite large crowds because we are an
> active display.
> I think who ever believes that we shouldn't have space to camp
> together as a group just isn't looking. We get far more people and
> campers in less space than about 75% of the rest of the campground. I
> see area after area with a camper and several cars all spread out
> using as much space as we use for about all of us.
> BTW, it should be mentioned here that we all know that you certainly
> do your part in organizing the camping area as well as working the
> work days and speaking for us with the directors and I appreciate
> that. I'm sure the others do as well. I just get the feeling in the
> last couple of years that some among the directors for some reason
> look on us a nuisance for some reason. As I said we squeeze in our
> camping to save space. We spend thousands of dollars at the swap meet
> and the trading post. We certainly eat our share of ice cream... I
> just don't understand why we can't go on with staying together as a
> group both in the campground and on the show grounds. If we can I for
> one would be willing to bring a half dozen tractors. If they don't
> want us to maintain an identity as a group and want to just scatter us
> I simply won't bother. I'm sorry if that offends anyone but that is
> just honestly how I feel. I just fail to see where we are being a
> burden on them by maintaining that long established identity and
> fellowship... It has in the past certainly brought ATIS members
> together there from all over the US (and the world) most of which
> probably wouldn't have come just for a tractor show.

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