[AT] ATIS at Portland

Indiana Robinson robinson at svs.net
Fri Aug 8 05:19:15 PDT 2008

oldiron62 at gmail.com wrote:
> Gene, you missing the point,  How about you loading up a few of your 
> tractors and ride 500 + miles one way ? Bet you wont do it  !  It is easy 
> for you to shout lets go to portland, when you live a short distance away. 
> And must not have nothing at home you care about leaving, or maybe you can 
> drive home everyday to check on your cattle, livestock ect. Thats you 
> priority not mine, sure I would like to meet the favorite few (portland 
> bunch) but why dont youall load up and come to a tractor-engine show down 
> this way ?
> Or better yet down Charlies way ?  That would really hit the gas $$
> So go and have a big time, but some of us have other priorites or things 
> that come first.
> Theres a few good shows down this way yet for winter, comeon down and we 
> will get together around a fire or tire something and listen to you tell all 
> the big goings on at portland.
> Take care.
> Kevin


	I'm afraid that you are not grasping "Portland" Kevin... This isn't a 
few hundred good old boys migrating from the coffee shops to a tractor 
show like a lot of Midwest tractor shows (our local show sucks). There 
are tractors and engines rolling in there from all over the US and 
several countries. Spencer and Herb haul tractors in from the southeast 
most years. Of course a lot of folks can't bring a tractor since they 
fly to Indy and come to the show in rented cars. Several ATIS members 
often carpool in from Texas and Oklahoma together. I first met now old 
friend Don Bowen at Portland and I think at that time he was living in 
California. There are always a lot of Canadians there and the ATIS 
engine list generally has folks from England showing. I'm not on the 
engine list at the moment due to time constraints but I made a lot of 
friends there and still try to stay in touch with several of them 
including one who gets to Portland often from Australia.
	Instead of expressing sour grapes just sit back, relax and either read 
the post, delete the post or what ever but do understand that this list 
WILL be talking Portland for the next several weeks... I have been here 
at least a dozen years and it has always been such and hopefully it will 
not stop.
	I'd like to see you make it up to Portland Kevin but I understand "busy".
	If you can make it there sometime don't waste a lot of time looking for 
hills. They don't have such things, Portland is in the prairie part of 
the state. Can you say "pancake" ?   :-)

	Since so many do attend Portland from such great distances I am 
concerned that cost will keep many home. In years past I have made as 
many as three trips hauling tractors and the camper to Portland but I am 
down to one trip with a small tractor and I am probably as close to 
Portland as about anybody on this list (2 hours one way). I do hope to 
be in a better position to return to taking more than just the one 
tractor there next year.
	My old 3/4 ton 4x4 has the hitch cut off of it for some bed work and a 
new hitch and I won't have it done in time. It is my trailer puller 
(ugly but effective). My old half ton just isn't effective at a big load 
on my tandem trailer. There are a lot of things it isn't too effective 
at. Looking pretty is one of many...   :-)   It should be able to get 
the "Gypsy Wagon" there OK with the #$%& CUB in it though.



I wouldn't mind being absent minded so bad if forgetfulness
could just be a little more selective. Just last week I
was saying so to "whats-her-name..."

Hay & Straw Exchange (Buy it, sell it and trade it.)

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
robinson at svs.net

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