[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 8/23 Lancaster Farming

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Aug 23 14:56:52 PDT 2008

Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) 
Farming newspaper for 8/23/2008. For the full listing, go to 
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]

For Sale:

Wide front and off of Super M, will fit other, painted and ready to go, 
nice condition $850. Air cleaner w/mason jar. Adams Co., 717-465-4421.
Yamaha 3 wheeler $800, excellent condition. 720 JD adjustable wide 
front, 3 pt, hitch, good condition $6,500/obo. Berks Co., 717-933-4027.

Steel belt pulley off of Super M Farmall $100. Air cleaner with mason 
jar $100. Both painted and like new. Adams Co., 717-465-4421.

SMTA, power steering fenders, belt pulley, new battery, 3pt, two low 
cultivator, truck rim 6x15 five lug. Balti. Co., 717-801-2091.

2N Ford tractor with Ferguson system & step-up trans. in mint cond. with 
Souder loader like new cond. $3,750 Bucks Co. 610-346-7391.

John Deere 620, 95% tire tread, 3 Pt., P.S. very clean, excellent 
running tractor, Berks Co., 610-488-1476.

John Deere 70, $4,500; Farmall 400 new tires, $6,500; Oliver 1855 
complete overhaul, $12,500. Westmoreland Co. 724-689-9342.

Snowplow fits ACWD45 includes cylinder, hose and all hardware $200. 
Bucks Co., 215-766-8756.

Power Unit Ford 172 cu. inch with clutch & gearbox, runs good $800. 
Allis Chalmers C, clean, $1,000. Bucks Co. 215-396-1863.

Parting out Farmall H tractor. Various IHC weights both front and rear. 
Cumb. Co., 717-243-2209, 8-10pm.

Pair of fenders for Farmall H&M and others, painted and ready to go 
w/hardware, nice set $300/pr. Adams Co., 717-465-4421.
New wedding dress, satin A-line, side draping, sweetheart neckline, 
beaded bodice, Size 12, never worn, bag, accessories included. Blair Co. 
814-946-4964. [It sounds as if there is a sad story behind this ad]

Massey Harris 44 live PTO, new paint. Cumb. Co., 717-243-1198.

Massey 85, not running, Ferguson tea, runs good, two JDHs, also JDH 
parts. Jefferson Co. 814-856-2885 after 8 pm.

Loader for Ford 8-9-N $195. Steel wheel manure spreader $95. Misc. old 
farm items, antique car parts. Lebanon Co., 717-580-1386.

460 Farmall gas, nice shape, needs minor work, T/A fast hitch wide 
front, PS back rubber 60%, $3,500. Somerset Co. 814-279-5306.

460 International Utility Tractor, loader, grader blade, Bush Hog, 
Fisher mower rotary tillers, new tires, chains, much more. Harford Co. 

660D IH Tractor with belt pulley on steel, nice size for cutter or 
manure pump, good condition, $4,500, Lancaster Co., 717-786-2773.

JD lug motor, complete with mag, $150; JD H head valves, refaced head 
was checked, $150. Dauphin Co. 717-692-3827.

JD 5020 w/cab; JD 820 Farmall A sickle mower, $125; F armall MTA, 
$4,200; JD G $4,200; Farmall 350, $1,900. Butler Co. 724-353-1392.

Intl 460 gas utility tractor with trip loader & 8 disc, fast hitch, new 
tires, $3,500. Sussex Co., NJ 973-875-5611.

Intl backhoe & loader diesel, good tires, no leaks, works great, model 
#3444, $6,500/obo. Berks Co., 610-367-4139.

International 101 manure spreader, very nice cond., works fine. Farmall 
200-230 wide front ind. parts. Chester Co. 610-235-9097.

I.H.C. #140 tractor propane with Lowe Eqi hydraulic unit & frame assy; 
A#1: Standard Twin Garden tractor. Susq. Co. 570-222-3709.

IH 350 Utility power steering loader plows; Hesston 10 stacker; 361 V8 
Ford engine; Ford 4000; Silver King mounted plows, all good, Union Co., 
Front end loader for 430 Case, 5, 6 bucket, just taken off, good 
condition, leave message. Bucks Co., 215-257-9471.

Farmall C, runs good, new paint, NF end $1,950. IH #311 semi mount 
plows, good condition, 3ph $600. 6 new stable grills 35x47 black $50/ea. 
Leb. Co., 717-865-0657.

Farmall Collection 06 Orchard full dress, 1954 Super H, 230 vegetable 
special, AU experimental with IH brass TAG document. Salem Co. 609-352-0008.

Farmall H parts: hood, good metal, no dents or cuts, $75; front rim with 
tire $30; Original battery box cover $50.; Carter AFB from 327 Chevy, 
rebuilt $175. Chester Co. 610-593-5854.

Farmall H tractor restored, 8N Ford tractor restored, Reg. Shorthorn 
cattle w/calves. 814-364-1977 or 814-574-3260.
Farmalls 1A, 2 SA, S.C. w/F.end quickhitch, runs great, needs paint 
$2,300. C w/cults $1,300. 2 row, 3pt rototiller, works good $300. 
Howard, Chester Co., 610-942-3710.

Farmall A recent valve job, exc. cond. $1,750. Montgomery Co. 215-855-3191.
Farmall 460 FastHitch, new paint, tires 80%, gas, narrow front, $2,800. 
OBO. Cumberland Co. (717) 423-6623.

Farmall 806 Diesel $5,000; 6ft Rotary cutter $600, Snyder Co., 570-374-8051.

Farmall 140 runs good, fast hitch, mower, cultivators, snow plow, 
weights, chains, good cond. $3,250. O.B.O. Carroll Co. 410-751-0565.

Draw bar extention, fits Ford 1939/47 9 hole 26 draw bar $135. - 
Membership www.nafffca.org. Centre Co. (814) 355-1522.
Cat D 4 with log winch, Mifflin Co. 717-250-2316.

Case 530 backhop rebuilt motor, needs starter & odds & ends to finish, 
$3,200 obo. Snyder Co. 570-837-2218.

Case 580CK $4,500. Dauphin Co., 717-599-5680.

Back-hoe unit Kelly Model B-750 used only 6 hours, like new, very good 
unit $4,300. Fits 3PH. Montgomery Co. 215-257-5691.
Antique Edwards gas engine, no mag, $350, Lancaster Co., 717-687-6412.

38 JD-B unstyled, exc. cond., $4,500 obo; 41 JD-H good cond., $3,500 
obo; 39 JD-B $3,000 obo. Somerset, NJ 732-873-2461.
2 unstyled John Deere Bs, $2,500/ea/obo. John Deere unstyled A 
$3,500/obo. Somerset NJ, 732-873-0092.

1951 John Deere (B); 1972 John Deere riding mower & attachments; 
scalding trough, scrapers; old cradle & more. Berks Co. 610-682-6226.

175 MF diesel MF loader, new rubber $7,200. Ford 9N, needs TLC 
$1,500/ea, Both $2,600. WAter reels 2 hose $800/ea. Bucks Co., 267-718-4065.
1963 Ferguson 35 diesel with milti-power new battery, tires & clutch 3 
yrs. old, nice straight tractor $3,000. OBO. Lehigh Co., (610) 966-4657.

1957 Farmall Cub 5 bellymower, nice $2,350. Farmall Cub 42 mower 
cultivators, plow $1,900. Cub with mower $2,300. Bucks Co., 267-566-5116.

1953 Ferguson T.O.30 with Wagner loader & Sherman step-up, step-down 
trans., no hood, runs well, $1,500. Lehigh Co. (610) 966-4657.
Ford 3000, w/loader, gas tractor, ps, 3pt, 540 pto, fresh paint, 
differential lock, runs and works excellent $4,500. Adams co., 717-528-8398.

Ford 3550 with loader & weight box, runs & operates, $3,000; C Farmall, 
runs, needs work, $500. Montgomery Co. 610-754-6032.

Ford 4500 bkhoe need eng $2,600. Det. 2-53 rebuilt $1,000. AC 11000 eng 
$1,200. Dodge 4x4 transfer case & rears $800. Cecil Co. 410-688-3939.

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